Chickamauga Lake by the TWRA Creel Clerks

Chickamauga lake Tennessee fishing reports from TWRA creel clerks and the information is located at  Fishing Forecast 

Chickamauga Lake Fishing Report:     17 Dec 2021

Forecast Contributor – Joey Root – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 676’ and water temperatures are in the upper 40’s to low 50’s. If you want to catch a variety of fish, try going below Watts Bar Dam. Anglers have been catching smallmouth, crappie, red ear sunfish, striped bass, and catfish.  Remember to wear your life jacket and have fun!

Bass: Anglers have been catching bass around transition areas from the main river such as the first 1/3 of creek arms, ditches, and pockets.  Steep banks with rock and bluffs are other great areas to try.

Walleye: A few walleyes are being caught mid-lake on the Tennessee, above the 30 bridge, and below Watts Bar Dam.  Trolling crankbaits and drifting jigs are effective techniques.

Crappie: Several anglers have been catching crappie at the mouth of sloughs on the upper end of the reservoir using jigs and minnow under a float.  Banks with shallow laydowns and brush are other great areas to try.

Catfish: Catfish are being caught in the main river channel over the entire lake and below Watts Bar Dam.




03 Dec 2021

Forecast Contributor – Joey Root – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 676’ and water temperatures are in the low to mid 50’s. If you want to catch a variety of fish, try going below Watts Bar Dam. Anglers have been catching smallmouth, crappie, redear sunfish, striped bass, and catfish.  Remember to wear your life jacket and have fun!

Bass: Anglers have been catching bass around transition areas from the main river such as the first 1/3 of creek arms, ditches, and pockets.  Secondary areas with steeper banks and rock have also been productive.

Walleye: A few walleyes are being caught mid-lake on the Tennessee, above the 30 bridge, and below Watts Bar Dam.  Trolling crankbaits and drifting jigs are effective techniques.

Crappie: Several anglers have been catching crappie at the mouth of sloughs on the upper end of the reservoir using jigs and minnow under a float.  Banks with shallow laydowns and brush are other great areas to try.

Catfish: Catfish are being caught in the main river channel over the entire lake and below Watts Bar Dam.




26 Nov 2021

Forecast Contributor – Joey Root – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 676’ and water temperatures are in the low to mid 50’s. Happy Thanksgiving to all anglers!  We hope you can get out and enjoy some fishing with family and friends over the holiday weekend.  Good luck and stay safe!

Bass: Anglers have been catching bass around transition areas from the main river such as the first 1/3 of creek arms, ditches, and pockets.  Secondary areas with steeper banks and rock have also been productive.

Walleye: A few walleyes are being caught mid-lake on the Tennessee, above the 30 bridge, and below Watts Bar Dam.  Trolling crankbaits and drifting jigs are effective techniques.

Crappie: Several anglers have been catching crappie at the mouth of sloughs on the upper end of the reservoir using jigs and minnow under a float.  Banks with shallow laydowns and brush are other great areas to try.

Catfish: Catfish are being caught in the main river channel over the entire lake and below Watts Bar Dam.





Forecast Contributor – Joey Root – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 676’ and water temperatures are in the mid to upper 50’s. If you want to catch a variety of fish, try going below Watts Bar Dam. Anglers have been catching smallmouth, crappie, striped bass, and catfish while drifting crankbaits. Remember to wear your life jacket and have fun!

Bass: Anglers have been catching bass around transition areas from the main river such as the first 1/3 of creek arms, ditches, and pockets.  Fishing lipless crankbaits and swimbaits around grass in the backs of creek arms and pockets has also been effective.  Keep your eyes peeled for baitfish activity near the surface and the bass won’t be far behind.

Walleye: A few walleye are still being caught mid-lake on the Tennessee and below Watts Bar Dam using crankbaits.

Crappie: Several anglers have been out these past weeks targeting crappie around brush piles and trees.

Catfish: Catfish are being caught in the main river channel over the entire lake and below Watts Bar Dam.





22 Oct 2021

Forecast Contributor – Joey Root – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir are in the low to mid 70’s. If you want to catch a variety of fish, try going below Watts Bar Dam. Anglers have been catching smallmouth, crappie, striped bass, and catfish while drifting crankbaits. Remember to wear your life jacket and have fun!

Bass: Anglers have been catching bass around the edges of grass and in the grass mats. Crayfish and bluegill type baits, as well as topwater lures have been successful. Transition areas from the main river such as creeks and ditches are being targeted as well.

Walleye: A few walleyes are still being caught on the Hiwassee, mid-lake on the Tennessee, and below Watts Bar Dam using crankbaits.

Crappie: Several anglers have been out these past weeks targeting crappie around brush piles and trees.

Catfish: Catfish are being caught in the main river channel over the entire lake and below Watts Bar Dam.





17 Sept 2021

Forecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 681’. Water temps on the reservoir are in the upper 70’s to low 80’s.

Crappie: Reports of crappie being caught at night using lights and daylight hours in deeper water 20′-30′. Bridges, bluffs, and channels leading to creeks are great places to target.

Bass: Anglers are transitioning to creeks off the main channel. Some anglers are still fishing ledges, drops off the river, while others are sticking to points and rocky banks. Mouths of creeks are being targeted as well. You can be successful in any of these patterns. Pick the one your best at and stick with it. Grass mats are forming in the back of sloughs and off the main river channel.

Bluegill: Don’t forget about this fun to catch fish. Some bluegills can be caught around rocky bluffs and drops in the 10′-15′ range and all the way down to 25.

Walleye: A few walleye are still being caught on the Hiwassee and around mid-lake on the Tennessee using crankbaits.





03 Sept 2021

Forecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir are in the Upper 70’s to low 80’s. Anglers are still witnessing heavy fly hatches on the mid lake from Grasshopper to Soddy. Continue to use your electronics to locate bait fish and target those areas. The Region 3 reservoir crew has been working hard this summer building and putting out fish attractors on Chickamauga. All of the areas are marked with a fish attractor buoy and can be found on the TWRA website.

Crappie: There have been reports of crappie being caught at night using lights and during daylight hours in deeper water, 20′-30′. Bridges, bluffs, and channels leading to creeks are great places to target.

Bass: Anglers are transitioning to creeks off the main channel. Some anglers are still fishing ledges or drops off the river, while others are sticking to points and rocky banks. Mouths of creeks are being targeted as well. You can be successful in any of these patterns. Pick the one you’re best at and stick with it.

White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in cooler water this time of year. The Hiwassee River above Charleston is a great place to find them searching for cooler water. Shad is the bait of choice for striped bass. Continue watching for white bass feeding on the surface of the water. Minnows or inline spinners are a great choice for targeting these fish.

Catfish: Catfish are still being targeted on the main river channel.

Bluegill: Don’t forget about these fun-to-catch fish. Some bluegill can be caught around rocky bluffs and drops in the 10′-15′ range and all the way down to 25′.

Walleye: The walleye bite seems to be slowing down. Anglers are doing better below Watts Bar dam when TVA is generating some flow.





27 Aug 2021

Forecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir are in the Upper 70’s to low 80’s. Anglers are still witnessing heavy fly hatches on the mid lake from Grasshopper to Soddy. Continue to use your electronics to locate bait fish and target those areas. The Region 3 reservoir crew has been working hard this summer building and putting out fish attractors on Chickamauga. All of the areas are marked with a fish attractor buoy and can be found on the TWRA website.

Crappie: There have been reports of crappie being caught at night using lights and during daylight hours in deeper water, 20′-30′. Bridges, bluffs, and channels leading to creeks are great places to target.

Bass: Anglers are transitioning to creeks off the main channel. Some anglers are still fishing ledges or drops off the river, while others are sticking to points and rocky banks. Mouths of creeks are being targeted as well. You can be successful in any of these patterns. Pick the one you’re best at and stick with it.

White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in cooler water this time of year. The Hiwassee River above Charleston is a great place to find them searching for cooler water. Shad is the bait of choice for striped bass. Continue watching for white bass feeding on the surface of the water. Minnows or inline spinners are a great choice for targeting these fish.

Catfish: Catfish are still being targeted on the main river channel.

Bluegill: Don’t forget about these fun-to-catch fish. Some bluegill can be caught around rocky bluffs and drops in the 10′-15′ range and all the way down to 25′.

Walleye: The walleye bite seems to be slowing down. Anglers are doing better below Watts Bar dam when TVA is generating some flow.





20 Aug 2021


Forecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir are in the low 80’s. Continue watching for fly hatches along the banks. If you have electronics learn them; use the topography of the river to your advantage.

Crappie: There have been reports of crappie being caught at night using lights and daylight hours in deeper water 20′-30′.

Bass: Bass can be caught on deep structures, ledges, and humps on the main river channel and on the deeper creek channels. Bait will generally be deeper this time of year because of the rising water temps. Some anglers are still fishing ledges, drops off the river, and creek channels while others are sticking to points and rocky banks. Mouths of creeks are being targeted as well.

White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in cooler water this time of year. The Hiwassee River above Charleston is a great place to find them searching for cooler water. Shad is the bait of choice for striped bass. Continue watching for white bass feeding on the surface of the water. Minnows or inline spinners are a great choice for targeting these fish.

Catfish: Catfish are still being targeted on the main river channel.

Bluegill: Don’t forget about these fun-to-catch fish. Some bluegill can be caught around rocky bluffs and drops in the 10′-15′ range and all the way down to 25′.

Walleye: The walleye bite seems to be slowing down. Anglers are doing better below Watts Bar dam when TVA is generating some flow.





13 Aug 2021

Forecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir are in the low 80’s. Continue watching for fly hatches along the banks. If you have electronics learn them; use the topography of the river to your advantage.

Crappie: There have been reports of crappie being caught at night using lights and daylight hours in deeper water 20′-30′.

Bass: Bass can be caught on deep structure, ledges, and humps on the main river channel and on the deeper creek channels. Bait will generally be deeper this time of year because of the rising water temps. Some anglers are still fishing ledges, drops off the river, and creek channels while others are sticking to points and rocky banks. Mouths of creeks are being targeted as well.

White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in cooler water this time of year. The Hiwassee River above Charleston is a great place to find them searching for cooler water. Shad is the bait of choice for striped bass. Continue watching for white bass feeding on the surface of the water. Minnows or inline spinners are a great choice for targeting these fish.

Catfish: Catfish are still being targeted on the main river channel.

Bluegill: Don’t forget about these fun-to-catch fish. Some bluegill can be caught around rocky bluffs and drops in the 10′-15′ range and all the way down to 25′.

Walleye: The walleye bite seems to be slowing down. Anglers are doing better below Watts Bar dam when TVA is generating some flow.





06 Aug 2021


Forecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir are in the mid to upper 80’s depending on where you are on the reservoir. The heavy rain amounts have kept the water from warming up. Watch for fly hatches along the banks. Fish will target these fly hatches and allow anglers to have a great opportunity to catch several species of fish. Match the hatch for a fun time on the lake.

Crappie: Most crappie will be caught in deeper water around 12 feet. Look for structure like docks and bridges using jigs or minnows. Trolling with small crankbaits is another great technique.

Bass: Bass can be caught on deep structure, ledges, and humps on the main river channel and on the deeper creek channels. Bait will generally be deeper this time of year because of the rising water temps. Many anglers are still fishing ledges, drops off the river, and creek channels while others are sticking to points and rocky banks. Anglers have also reported catching bass using top water lures. You can be successful with any of these techniques.

White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in cooler water this time of year. The Hiwassee River above Charleston is a great place to find them searching for cooler water. Shad is the bait of choice for striped bass. Continue watching for white bass feeding on the surface of the water. Minnows or inline spinners are a great choice for targeting these fish.

Catfish: Catfish are still being targeted on the main river channel.

Bluegill: Don’t forget about these fun-to-catch fish. Some bluegill can still be found on bed while others can be caught around rocky bluffs and drops in the 10′-15′ range.

Walleye: The walleye bite seems to be slowing down. Anglers are doing better below Watts Bar dam when TVA is generating some flow.





30 July 2021


Forecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir are in the mid to upper 80’s depending on where you are on the reservoir. The heavy rain amounts have kept the water from warming up. Watch for fly hatches along the banks. Fish will target these fly hatches and allow anglers to have a great opportunity to catch several species of fish. Match the hatch for a fun time on the lake.

Crappie: Most crappie will be caught in deeper water around 12 feet. Look for structure like docks and bridges using jigs or minnows. Trolling with small crankbaits is another great technique.

Bass: Bass can be caught on deep structure, ledges, and humps on the main river channel and on the deeper creek channels. Bait will generally be deeper this time of year because of the rising water temps. Many anglers are still fishing ledges, drops off the river, and creek channels while others are sticking to points and rocky banks. Anglers have also reported catching bass using top water lures. You can be successful with any of these techniques.

White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in cooler water this time of year. The Hiwassee River above Charleston is a great place to find them searching for cooler water. Shad is the bait of choice for striped bass. Continue watching for white bass feeding on the surface of the water. Minnows or inline spinners are a great choice for targeting these fish.

Catfish: Catfish are still being targeted on the main river channel.

Bluegill: Don’t forget about these fun-to-catch fish. Some bluegill can still be found on bed while others can be caught around rocky bluffs and drops in the 10′-15′ range.

Walleye: The walleye bite seems to be slowing down. Anglers are doing better below Watts Bar dam when TVA is generating some flow.






23 July 2021


Forecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir are in the low to mid 80’s depending on where you are on the reservoir. The heavy rain amounts have kept the water from warming up. Watch for fly hatches along the banks. Fish will target these fly hatches and allow anglers to have a great opportunity to catch several species of fish.

Crappie: Most crappie will be caught in deeper water around 12 feet. Look for structure like docks and bridges using jigs or minnows. Trolling with small crankbaits is another great technique.

Bass: Bass can be caught on deep structure, ledges, and humps on the main river channel and on the deeper creek channels. Bait will generally be deeper this time of year because of the rising water temps. Many anglers are still fishing ledges, drops off the river, and creek channels while others are sticking to points and rocky banks. Anglers have also reported catching bass using top water lures. You can be successful with any of these techniques.

White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in cooler water this time of year. The Hiwassee River above Charleston is a great place to find them searching for cooler water. Shad is the bait of choice for striped bass. Continue watching for white bass feeding on the surface of the water. Minnows or inline spinners are a great choice for targeting these fish.

Catfish: Catfish are still being targeted on the main river channel. Drifting the entire river channel will produce catfish.

Bluegill: Bluegill can be caught over the entire lake. Boat docks, rocky banks, and shady banks are good places to target bluegill. Worms and crickets are the baits of choice.

Walleye: The walleye bite seems to be slowing down. Anglers are doing better below Watts Bar dam when TVA is generating some flow.





09 July 2021

Forecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk

Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir area in the upper ’70s to mid-’80s depending on where you are on the reservoir. Watch for fly hatches along the banks. Fish will target these fly hatches and allow anglers to have a great opportunity to catch several species of fish.

Crappie: Most crappie will be caught in deeper water around 12 feet. Look for structures like docks and bridges using jigs or minnows. Trolling with small crankbaits is another great technique.

Bass: Bass can be caught on deep structures, ledges, and humps on the main river channel and on the deeper creek channels. Bait will generally be deeper this time of year because of the rising water temps. Many anglers are still fishing ledges and drop off the river and creek channels while others are sticking to points and rocky banks. You can be successful in either pattern.

White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in cooler water this time of year. The Hiwassee River above Charleston is a great place to find them searching for cooler water. Shad is the bait of choice for striped bass. White Bass can be caught lake-wide. Watch for these fish to be feeding on shad late in the evenings. Inline spinners are a great choice to catch these fish.

Catfish: Catfish are still being targeted on the main river channel. Drifting the entire river channel will produce catfish.

Bluegill: Bluegill can be caught over the entire lake. Boat docks, rocky banks, and shady banks are good places to target bluegill. Worms and crickets are the baits of choice.

Walleye: Anglers are catching limits of walleye all over the lake. Crankbaits are the choice lure.





02 July 2021

ChickamaugaForecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel ClerkReservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir are in the upper 70’s to mid 80’s depending on where you are on the reservoir. Watch for fly hatches along the banks. Fish will target these fly hatches and allow anglers to have a great opportunity to catch several species of fish.

Crappie: Crappie will generally be in deeper water usually 8′ and deeper around some type of structure. Docks are good places for crappie to hang out as well. Using a light to attract crappie at night is also a great way to catch your limit.

Bass: Many anglers are still fishing ledges and drops off the river and creek channels while others are sticking to points and rocky banks. You can be successful in either pattern.

Catfish: Catfish are still being targeted on the main river channel.

White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in the tailwaters. Shad will produce more striped bass being caught. Be looking for white bass in sloughs and tributaries, especially in the evenings. Continue looking for white bass feeding on the surface of the water in the evenings. These fish can be caught with inline spinners.

Bluegill/Shellcracker: Both can be caught all over the reservoir using jigs, worms, or crickets.

Walleye: Anglers are catching limits of walleye all over the lake. Crankbaits are the choice lure.






25 June 2021

ChickamaugaForecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temps on the reservoir are ranging from the upper 70’s to mid 80’s.

Crappie: Crappie will generally be in deeper water usually 8′ and deeper around some type of structure. Docks are good places for crappie to hang out as well. Using a light to attract crappie at night is also a great way to catch your limit.

Bass: The trend for bass fishing has been setting up on ledges and drops off of the river and creek and creek channels.

Catfish: Catfish are still being caught on the main river channel especially when TVA is generating some flow.

White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in the tailwaters. Shad will produce more striped bass being caught. Be looking for white bass in sloughs and tributaries, especially in the evenings. White bass can be seen schooling and breaching the surface of the water while feeding. Inline spinners are very effective when this is happening.

Bluegill/Shellcracker: Both can be caught all over the reservoir using jigs, worms, or crickets. Walleye: Anglers are catching walleye using crankbaits on the upper portion of the lake with a few isolated reports around mid-lake.





18 June 2021

Forecast Contributor – Chris Harris – TWRA Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation is at 682’. Water temperatures range from the low 70’s to mid 80’s depending on where you are on the reservoir. Remember to wear you PFD while fishing below the dams.
Crappie: Crappie will generally be in deeper water usually 8′ and deeper around some type of structure. Docks are good places for crappie to hang out as well. Using a light to attract crappie at night is also a great way to catch your limit. Bass: Some anglers are reporting that bass fishing is slowing down. Bass can be caught with several techniques right now. Find a pattern that works well for you and stick with it.
Catfish: Catfish are being caught throughout the reservoir especially on the main river channel. White Bass/Striped Bass: Striped Bass can be caught in the tailwaters. Shad will produce more striped bass being caught. White bass can be caught all over the reservoir. Look for white bass chasing shad in the evenings. Minnows and inline spinners are great baits to use for white bass.
Bluegill/Shellcracker: Both can be caught all over the reservoir using jigs, worms, or crickets. Walleye: Anglers are catching walleye on the upper portion of the reservoir using crank baits.



