March Journal 2021

21 March 2021

First, let me apologize to my 3 readers, I have been on a long drought of fishing, just bought my license on the 21st day of March 2021. So I will begin with excuses………….   Well, I don’t really have any, have been busy, but coulda made time, honestly, the weather really messes with me now to the point that I avoid it, sure am glad I have rods to build and things to turn on the lathe or I would drive my wife crazy.

The past year sure has been a long one, but I have learned some things. I am not sure if my family and friends are the one that have pushed the mask mandates. If so, they can stop now because I have learned that I need to carry more breath mints. Also, my wife told me that I was much better looking in my mask, which really was a nice boost to the ego. Enough with any of that stuff, I may go on a rant and most of my rants need no documentation, which some would refer to as evidence, so let’s discuss fishin’.

Sunday, I made a short afternoon trip to South Holston River. The boat is charged, but that is my plan next week, this week I just wanted to get out in this fantastic weather for a few minutes, didn’t even care if I caught a fish. The generators stopped at 1:00, so I waited till around 2:30 to go, thinking it may be crowded. I was correct, it was crowded.

But I got out, got on the waders, and looked for a spot. There is this area that holds fish in the winter, but by now, most of them are long gone. For some strange reason, although the parking lot was full, this area with little to no fish had no one in it.

My thoughts:  I could get elbow to elbow with someone, or I could just stand here, enjoy the water, sun, wind, and make some cast, I chose the latter. If I was in a tournament (which I never plan to be (that’d be like me just handing someone money)) I would go to where I thought the best place to catch a nice one. But since I came out to enjoy God’s magnificent creation, the mountains, the cool wind and water, then I was just going to go around a peaceful little area. Not to mention that in that particular spot, I have trouble getting cell service, bonus.

I start off using what was on, which was my last desperation attempt the last time I came, surprisingly, no luck. So I switched over to a zebra midge. Flipped it in as I was straightening up my stuff, then ready to cast, as I pull my line, a nice one hit it and I saw the flash from the side, then gone. I pulled that sucker right outta his mouth, but hey, I got the right setup now. I make a few more cast then bam, it’s a fight. I have my drag real loose as my tippet is 4lb test, but also, makes me feel good if they will take some drag. I helped the little feller out and he did take about 7” of drag, shew, I was feeling it. I finally got him in and off, about a 12” rainbow, no wall hanger, but hey, it was nice. I fished a while longer with no more bites, that one had tore up my midge and my others looked very well used, so after a while I packed her up and said, it was a good day on the water. First trip out this year and I caught one, things are looking up.

Boone is supposed to be coming up 2’ a week for a while, so next weekend I am going to get out there. I shall be the one moving slowly in the water as I expect there to be debris all over the place. Not real sure how the fishing will be on Boone this year, my guess is, it will get worse before it gets better, but within a few years, it should be really good. Heck, it may be great this year, I really have no idea. But if you get out there, just be careful, if they are pulling it up slowly, there are bound to be some things that can mess with the boat. They did a good job of cutting down debris, but I’m not sure if it was cut everywhere.

Have a great week and will try to report some stuff back soon, God bless.


