September Journal 2020

Labor Day Week

Combo edition

So I took some time off last week and had a couple of fishing trips, well, three to be exact, and yes, it was worth writing up, but I waited so I could be in a better frame of mind. The first trip began to the lake with daughter. We checked the weather and generating schedule and everything was lining up for a great evening slaying stripers. We launch, catch nice shad relatively easy and held to the cold line. After a while there, it was time to bass fish, we didn’t get a bite and the striper were not around, so instead of looking for them, we just decided to catch bass.

We stopped at a bank and a gentleman said, this is a good spot, everyone catches fish here, daughter and I looked at each other and said, well, this is going to be embarrassing when we catch nothing. The sun is setting and she starts getting hits, in just a few minutes, she lands three small rock fish. I am getting nothing, but the wife calls. She says it is raining hard at the house, we tell her that there was nothing in the radar, but daughter looks again, we are not prepared for what is in store. We release the shad, button everything up the sprinkling starts and so does the motor. Before we get on plane (or is is plain), anyway, the sky opens up. By the time we get to the dock, the rain slows, but we could not find a dry spot anywhere on either of us, we loaded up the boat and headed to the house.

A day or two later the daughter calls and we decide to go fly fishing. We try a spot on the Watauga River, but didn’t have much luck, well, bad luck, so we did have some luck. We head over toward Bluff City to give it a shot, we wading around, a bit deeper than I usually go. We get skunked here, again, no bites, but made a discovery. What I found out was my phone was not waterproof. I knew this beforehand, however, I had never tested it. I am thankful I didn’t replace the battery before this. I did however find out that a week without a telephone is an excellent thing. No text, no calls, just a bit of time with peace.

Finally, I found some time to head toward the Weir, I fished about 45 minutes and caught 4. The midges weren’t working and switched to a squirmy wormy. Red seemed to do ok, but I switched to a white, almost clear, tied with fluorescent green thread. It worked pretty well, missed a few and caught a few.

It was a good time, in the rain, getting a new phone, getting whipped by my daughter again, good times. The fishing was great, catching, not so much. Even with all the stuff that went on with us, we got to spend some time together enjoying God’s creation. If the heat finally subsides, I am really hoping to get on the lake more. The heat is a bit too much for me right now and I bet if you hold on, I’ll probably whine about the cold in a month or so. I hope everyone had a great Labor Day, God bless.



