March Journal 2018



Easter Weekend

 Thursday came, nice weather, and the girls wanted to go to the lake. The daughter and I went first, gonna meet the wife in a bit, and we found some bait. They were the big gizzard shad, I was wanting some a bit smaller, but you take what you can get. The wife shows up and we head down the lake a bit. The wind was blowing somewhat, but not horrible and we trolled around, close enough to the bank for the daughter and I to try our luck with the Ned Rig.

We had been fishing for about an hour and the wife’s rod doubled over, she reached back, excited as she can be and when she pulled, it came off, wish I had smaller shad. She was really wanting to catch one on her rod (new last year) but that was not going to be the case. We trolled around a bit longer, the wind picking up somewhat, and thought we would hit the creek, a bit of warmer water.

Daughter and I are casting and I land a smallmouth, shew, finally a fish this year. Kayleigh is getting some bites, but we still have the winter rust and can’t seem to get one in the boat. Then I was nailed by the white bass, it was pretty nice. We continued on fishing, getting periodic bites, but the wind was picking up, looked like a storm was coming and the girl had to go to class, we packed it up with 2 fish caught and released.

Saturday we went to Cabela’s to see a buddy who was demonstrating Turkey Calls, he’s pretty good on it, but don’t tell him I said that. Anyway, the day was going to consist of, Cabela’s then to the lake, then watch the final 4. After the trip, we were off to the lake again, this time, the wife had some errands to run. First place we go is the creek. Within 15 minutes of fishing I had caught 2, the daughter had gotten a few bites, but nothing seem to take hers.

We headed down the lake again, fished a bank, neither one of us getting anymore bites. We tried a few more spots, but nothing was hitting, I think we should have put in at the other ramp, but with crutches, this one seemed easier. We fished for about 2.5 hours, both decided we needed to get ready for the ballgame.

We had a good weekend on the water, and I will have my fishing buddy a bit longer as it is two more weeks before the cast comes off, then a boot. I’m hoping it heats up quick for us, maybe we just need to put a bit more effort into it. I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend and you took a minute to remember what the holiday is about: He is Risen. Have a great week and God bless.













23 March 2018

2018 Finally Begins

Last weekend I finally found a truck to replace the one stolen. I went with a Ram this time, slightly used but in excellent condition. I’d like to say I got a good deal on it, but hey, you’ve bought vehicles before, I doubt it was a good price. Let me just say that I love the truck, but not thrilled about the payment.

The daughter has been nursing her ankle after surgery, but finally got a hard cast this week and said, we can go fishing. Friday was not good weather but she invited a friend and we headed to Boonies at Davis Marina. I thought it would be much easier for her to crutch her way to the boat if we were there.

We did not see any shad, we were going to head to marker 10, but when we rounded the bend, the wind was blowing hard. I figured that was just aggravation waiting to happen. We came back and fished around the dock area.

Right off the bat the daughter caught a stick, it was a nice one, but I told her it didn’t count since it didn’t get in the boat. By the way, her and I ended up being tied on sticks caught. We fished for about two hours and my daughter and I ended up with 3 bites between us, no fish.

However, Savannah, the friend of my daughter, begins reeling in pretty hard with a bent rod. At first I thought, bless her heart, she is hung up and fighting that snag just like I do. Then the snag went under the boat, this young lady had her a fish. It rose and it was a smallmouth, and it was a nice one. Daughter had the net already, but with the cast, she was not performing at her typical high level.

I jumped to the back of the boat, and I by jump I mean carefully walked so I wouldn’t fall into the water. I was pretty excited for her, I’m not sure she has ever caught a bass before, mostly a bluegiller from the bank type of lady. We netted the beast and the photo ops began. If you wonder why a person fishes, just look at the smile in that pic, awesome.

Anyway, we fished a few more minutes, wind blowing, we were all cold, and we hadn’t been skunked. We headed back to the house and all of us felt like the day was a success. I’m really looking forward to spring time or at least a little warmer weather. I hope everyone had a great week. Have a great day and God bless.




02 March 2018

My Most Expensive Stay to Date

I know I said I was a couple weeks out from going fishing and you are surprised to have an entry, you probably feel like Christmas has come early for you. Well, I had an adventure this week and thought I would share now that the knee jerk response has subsided, I do encourage you to continue reading.

Friday was the day that my daughter was to have ankle surgery, so I left work early on Thursday and we headed to Knoxville. We stopped off in Gatlinburg for her to get some shoes for after surgery, hard to try them on with a cast so we were doing some planning. After the shoe pick up, we headed to Knoxville.

We stopped by Woodcraft (yep that is free advertising for them) and I had to get “something” to put my mandrel on the lathe to help turn the cork. Them folks were great help and did not laugh at my ignorance, at least not in front of me. I do enjoy giving folks something to discuss when they go home and my ignorance of wood turning was certainly a hot topic at their dinner table.

Anyway, we go get a motel room, you know making sure we are in a good spot close to the hospital and in a well lit secure area. We carry the stuff to the room and decide to go eat; good food, good times and back to the motel. We park in a well lit area and head up to the room.

We hit the sack early as we were going to be departing the motel no later than 7:20. The phone said 9 minutes away but with the morning commute, I didn’t trust it and we had to be in the hospital by 8:00. At about 7:20 am, the wife went to the front to check us out, the daughter and I went to load the truck. We walked out of the building and look, I know I have a confused look on my face and the daughter said, the truck is gone. I said, are you sure and we continue to look. We walk around the outside of the building looking for the truck and  see wife. She gives us a puzzled look because we were supposed to pick her up. It is at this point, I admit that the truck has been stolen.

Folks, I’ll be honest, I walked around the motel about 3 times looking, kind of a disbelief. I drive a 2005 Chevy 4 door 4×4. Everything is stock, and it was in excellent condition, only 135,000 miles and loaded, no rust, I don’t even remember a scratch on it, but seriously, it is a 2005, 13 years old. I honestly could not comprehend why anyone would want to steal a truck that is 13 years old.

The motel manager was great, he paid for the taxi to get us to the hospital as well as called us Saturday to say he had gone through the security footage and found my truck pulling out and some other information that may be helpful to the cops. I’m not sure if I’ll see that truck again, however, I do hope those folks get caught so this doesn’t happen to someone else.

While I’m talking to the police, the wife calls the hospital, my main concern was that daughter get there for her surgery. They said they would wait and get there when we can.

We showed up at UT Medical Center carrying all of our “stuff” from the motel room and finally found where we were supposed to be. The lady at the front desk of Day Surgery was amazing (I won’t mention names as I may leave someone out) but she said we could put our stuff where she would watch it and this lady bent over backwards for us, but from what I saw, she did that for everyone that came into the waiting room.

We were late, but they got her right in and began prepping her for surgery. The nurses were phenomenal as they did everything they could to help. We were not able to get a rental car to pick us up until 3:00 and they just stayed right there and kept my daughter as comfortable as possible until the car came. One nurse brought us lunch as they knew it had been a pretty eventful day. The doctor did a great job and brought us really good news and hope for the daughter’s ankle. I was completely blown away with how fantastic the staff at Day Surgery was, all the way to the lady that wheeled our daughter out to the car. They went above and beyond, but from what I could tell, we were treated no different than anyone else (well, except for the watching of stuff and things like that).

We had numerous offers from so many people for rides back home (2 hour trip one way), it was really amazing. I just deleted some writing of me going off on a tangent here and I promised I wouldn’t make this a political website, so it was deleted. Anyway, this is why I don’t listen to all the media, I know that neighbors still care about neighbors, no matter what they look or act like (cause I’m on the negative side of both appearance and behavior). A big thank you to everyone we met, and a big shame on you to the punks that stole my truck, dang I don’t want a payment.

Anyway, I’m no longer sure when I will be able to get my boat out, as I cannot tow it now. And according to multiple sources in the waiting room, if you drive a chevy truck in Knoxville, park where there is a security camera, apparently it is an extremely hot vehicle for theft. I mean quite a few folks told us this. And oh yeah, why I told you I stopped at Woodcraft, well, the item I bought, it was in the truck, $87 down the drain.

I do hope everyone had a great week. We are home, daughter is recovering, lots of pain and still upset stomach, but she’ll get there. And I reckon I will be test driving some vehicles. Have a great week and God bless.


