Ignore What You See

Ignore What you See

I did a little write up on Democracy Threatened last week. We hear politicians and media telling us Trump is a threat to our democracy. Well we showed that in fact we are not a democracy but rather a constitutional republic. Similarities sure, but we are not ruled by the mob, but ruled by the constitution.

What I believe is meant by the threat to our democracy is that Trump would remove rules and do whatever he liked. That does in fact sound a little frightening. Think about it, if someone got in power and did whatever they wanted and removed any power from the people, well, that would be tragic.

It may be better to understand if I were to lay out a hypothetical situation for you. Let’s imagine for a minute that we have a primary and through this process, a person is selected as the nominated individual for that party. Then a month or so before the convention, that person drops out and the party alone picks the nominee. They did not have another vote, just picked someone and shoved them down our throat, I think this might have been what the media and politicians meant by a threat to democracy.

The funny thing about all of this is, the very people claiming someone to be a threat, are the very same folks that did the above example. Biden drops out and Harris takes his place, no vote, no option for voters, just take this nominee and like it. It is as if the very thing that they are going to do, they will accuse the other party of doing.

Now listen, I am not a very intelligent person (no kidding, we read some of your stuff), but if I am able to see this stuff, why in the world can others not. Why don’t folks ask questions? Why do people just allow this to take place and not question their own party? They are treating the people that support them as if they are not smart enough to make a sound decision.

Personally, I think people are a lot more capable than our government thinks. But with the bombardment of lies coming from the media, it makes it difficult for people to see the truth. I would ask that folks take some time to ask questions. Ask why you weren’t informed about Biden’s health, you could probably see it with your own eyes, but you let them convince you that wasn’t true.

I learned a while back while watching rallies, debates, or whatever, the media would explain to me what the person was saying. I thought, well I just listened and that is not what I heard, and it was for both sides. At that point, the questions began. Let me suggest, stop listening to the pundits and consider for yourself.

You may conclude the same as the pundits when you ask questions and think for yourself, if so that is great. But it is a little irritating to me when people are being mislead, told lies, and made to believe something that is not real. Shame on them and shame on us for falling for it.