Non Fishing Introduction

I hope everyone is having a great day, or night, whichever the case may be. I am starting a new Non Fishing Opinion, Rant, Article writing of some sort on here. I used to do a journal until May of 2021, I really need to get that going again, but my thinking is, that this will help me get there.

I tried making my journals a little light hearted, with a little humor, my family would disagree and probably provide an eye roll. But after about 5 years of the news and following what was going on in the world, I would not have been able to write much of anything without getting political.

That being said, I considered that I don’t really want to segregate anyone based on anything, I mean heck, we are just interested in fishing, that really has nothing to do with anything that is in the news, except maybe the weather and I’m not sure how much the weather even matters as it seems to miss as much as it hits. So as I pondered on this, done a bit of perusing through the world wide web, I had an idea.

My goal is to try to provide information that will lead you the reader the opportunity to look and find answers. In other words, I’m going to try to get some things together which will have my limited opinion (cause I’m not sure there is such a thing as much unbiased news anymore). I’ll try to keep it out, unless I think it will make you laugh.

This will be non fishing related and if you don’t want to look at it, then I recommend you don’t. If you read it and think that was ridiculous, well, you won’t be the first or last one with that response. This will be simply a way for me to deal with trying to get folks to think on their own. Seems to me that the world wants us to stop asking questions, cause you know, the science is settled. However, as a guy who did some science type stuff (lab work) for over 20 years, it was my understanding that science is all about questions. Then applying experiments to those questions, then…… wait for it…….. Examine the data before you determine the answer. Wait what, you mean we don’t manipulate the information (data) to prove our own belief.

As you can probably tell, the past 8 years have gotten me completely aggravated. The lies told, the manipulation taking place, and the confusion that I hope others have cause if not, then I’m the only one confused.

I am going to try to make this just informational. A lot of the information is considered conspiracy theories that I have looked at and has caused some confusion. I am not saying at all that I believe any of them, but I am saying that some folks have asked good questions that may not have good answers. They will not be very detailed, but more like a couple of questions then you can go and take a gander in the world with the same questions.

Some of this may just be a rant when I get frustrated at what is going on in America. I’ll post on twitter when I put stuff out there @tnfishingreport. I’ll have a tab called something like non fishing related.

By the way, just want to make sure to say it will be for entertainment, I think this is what I am supposed to say. And don’t let one article make your decision, read a couple as they come out and see what you think.