Your Truth?

Your Truth?

Strange title for strange times. I remember hearing this comment being made a few years ago and never really understood it. There isn’t a your truth or a my truth, there is only truth, and what we think of that truth really has not impact of whether it is truth or not.

I got to thinking on this as I like discussing stuff with folks that I don’t agree with on subjects. The reason, maybe I just like to debate, but not really, I just don’t think you can learn anything new if you are talking to folks that just agree with you. But then came a new wrinkle a few years ago, that I had to check myself.

As I had spent time in the Marine Corps, I have a great big love of country, I knew that some things in the government were not run very well, but for some reason, I believed they had the American peoples best interest in their decisions. Now I believed this for a very long time, actually up until about 2015. I mean a feller in the early 2000’s gave me an example of government overreach and problems, but I made excuses for I was blinded of my love of country. At this time, that was my truth.

In hindsight, I was doing the things that are now out there that I believe to be crazy. My truth, that’s nuts, there is only truth. But perhaps our problem is that we are so blinded by many things that we refuse to see the real truth. My blindness was from love of country and my trusting nature of those in charge. It was a real eye opener when I finally leaned on facts.

I believe out there right now are folks that are believing their truths (they are wrong), instead of facts that are right in front of them. They are being lied to by some media outlets and when facts are presented that contradict, well, they ignore it or discount those facts. This may be driven by trusting the media too much, by hatred of someone or some thing, by simply looking at one source of information and not researching or finding things our for yourself. That is much easier to do and less time consuming.

I haven’t tried to drop too many examples here, as I hope to touch on some of them at a later date. But some things that folks may refuse to believe, but there are actual facts out there have really come to light in the past 8 years. As I said, my mind changed in 2015, a real slap upside the head. I think that Trump, whether you like him or not, did something that I needed to see. I think that just by running in the race and not being a politician, he allowed some politicians, media, etc………., to show their true colors.

They yell for a year about russia, then the investigation shows, they were wrong, no apology, I know folks that still think it is true. Schiff says he personally has proof, but still has never revealed this proof.

Many examples that will come later, but before I start chasing rabbits, let me suggest. Everything you hear may or may not be truth. You can choose to call it your truth (may or may not be a lie), or you can look at another viewpoint and research until you find evidence. If people get mad because folks are asking questions, that to me is a red flag. Asking questions is not wrong, it is curiosity and will help develop understanding and thinking on your own. That may be the reason questions aren’t wanted, they may not want us to think for ourselves.

So ask yourself, is it the truth, or a lie, because it’s not your truth, it’s either truth or not.