Have Sides Been Chosen

Have Sides Been Chosen

We seem to be in a time when folks don’t want to listen to anything besides support for their belief. I will admit, when I look at news, I don’t want to hear stuff that is contrary to my opinion, however, I cannot escape seeing it. I mean it is all over the main news networks, online news sources, and basically anywhere you look. But of course I think letting kids change their gender is evil, I think a lot of this stuff they are pushing is a mental illness. For me to see information that goes along with what I think to be true, I kinda have to dig for the stuff.

That last statement alone can be divided into either way of thinking. If you have to dig real hard, then it is probably a conspiracy theory and not to be believed. Or you could look at it and say because all the main information sources are saying the same thing, perhaps they are trying to manipulate the way you think (Do not search MKUltra). Personally, I tend to lean toward the latter belief and here is why. We have found facts, check out the recent Georgia voting fraud information that has been happening recently. If you don’t know what I am talking about, then you probably listen only to popular media sources.

I remember years ago hearing about some things Trump had done before he ran for president. He was loved by politicians and others. The black community had given him awards, he paid off the mortgage of a man that helped him change a flat tire. He let a homeless lady live in Trump Tower for free for years because she had no where to go. Then he runs for president and immediately becomes hated. This was a red flag that got me looking deeper. I had seen a video of a mobster saying how he tried to pay off Trump but he could not be bought. But every news source tells us that he is horrible, this didn’t add up.

Anyway, I am a firm believer that people are free to think and believe how they wish and I do enjoy discussing the issues with folks. What I am discovering during these discussions are that folks do not enjoy hearing things that don’t fit their agenda. One example may be, Jan 6th was an attack on my government and an insurrection I have heard. That is what we have heard from the media for 3.5 years, however, go do a bit of searching, I googled this: how many jan 6 charged with insurrection

What I get in return is this comment at the top from the DOJ “Approximately 11 individuals have been arrested on a series of charges that relate to assaulting a member of the media, or destroying their equipment, on Jan. 6. Approximately 1,186 defendants have been charged with entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds

Now if you will read that, it does not answer my question at all, it tells of the charges that folks have been charged with, but I don’t see insurrection anywhere. The truth as I have been able to find is that no one has been charged with insurrection during this supposed insurrection that was about destroying our country. This seems fishy to me and that is me being nice, really it looks like some type of psyop to pit one side against another.

I have many more examples, but this is getting long, sorry, I will sum up the thoughts for both of the readers (thanks to my family for reading). I wonder if things will change in time, will we be able to see truth and accept it when we see it. Have the world been given a strong delusion to believe the lie? Will people still pick politics over family? Why do we as a people get so upset when someone presents information that contradicts our beliefs? We should be able to disagree and if we are so convinced that what we think is the truth, then perhaps we should not fear researching and proving. I don’t mean go and find an article on main stream media, but look, research, discover, enjoy the process. And if it contradicts your thoughts, pray about it and find the truth. I am 100% certain that I am not right on some things, but I do know this without a doubt; Jesus paid the penalty for my sin and I need to draw closer to Him daily.