Captain Davis Professional Full Time Guide/Angler and is U.S. Coastguard Licensed
Set the hook on Lake Guntersville’s bragging-size largemouth bass and hard-fighting Kentucky bass. Tie into world-class smallmouth bass on Tim’s Ford lake…
Call now to reserve a day on the lake with Jake
Phone: (cell-615-613-2382 or 256-783-6953) or
Website: MidSouthBassGuide
Fishing Report for Tim’s Ford Lake Tennessee: 25 Dec 2018
Christmas Eve on Tims Ford, Good day on the lake, caught lots of fish and some good ones…Best bite was Tightline Jigs “Tims Ford Secret” with a Missile Baits “Twin Turbo Tail Trailer” , caught a few on finesse baits on light line as well. Fish where all over the place as far as depth..we caught several super shallow and some deep (2 to 16 FOW). This is a great time to hit the water if nothing more than to see what structure is there when the lake comes back up later this spring. Strange thing happened today, after thinking about it…I’m fairly curtain someone is so rotten Santa did not visit his house last night! Never saw that many Buzzards while fishing!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!