Pickwick Lake by Pickwick Area Guide Clagett Talley



Clagett Talley
1020 E. Wayne Rd Savannah TN 38372
email: pickwickareaguide@yahoo.com

Enjoy fishing in Pickwick Tennessee or anywhere in the Pickwick area with an experienced area guide. We will take you on a guided fishing trip for Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass, White Bass, Stripers (Rockfish), Catfish, Sauger, and other Tennessee River fish. We take individuals and groups.We do half days and whole days. We provide all the tackle for the trip. We also provide drinks but your welcome to bring your own.
Please email or call us at any time!

Pickwick Lake Tennessee TN Fishing Report:   15 Aug 2023

Pickwick Lake Elevation 414

Water Temp. 86


With the generation flow and a lot of time on the water lately I have been able to produce a large number of bass over the last two weeks. Anytime we have an over cast and plenty of water flowing from the Dam you can pick up several bass on top water baits along the river banks and eddies. The most productive baits have been walking baits and popping baits such as the Strike King Spittin King. The quality of bass have picked up as well. Last week we boated some over five pounds. Big Strike King Series 5 and 6 crankbaits are working very well. The most productive places are on ledges that you can cover shallow water and deep water in the same cast (dramatic drop-offs). We are starting to pick up more and more fish on plastic frogs in grassy areas. The grass is starting to really mat up in a few places and it is like a fish factory right now. Night fishing is still about the same but like anything else, if the water flow slows down, the bite will be as well.


Big popping baits or walking baits are picking up several fish. Drifting skip jack minnows is a sure way to pick up big fish, sometimes on every drift! I took three guys fishing yesterday and we caught over 30 , most fish weighed over 8 pounds. Five different times we had three fish on at the same time! I had to net one fish and without enough time to get the fish out I would have to net a second one.

Below the dam the water gets a little crowded and very dangerous. Along with heavy boat traffic you get lines crossing, with a little consideration and understanding this is not an issue but if you are new to fishing below the dam it most likely to be the most frustrating way you can possibly fish.

There are several different laws that are enforced below the Dam that are different than any other areas in Pickwick. From what I have seen TWRA has been busy enforcing these laws, and for safety reasons that is a really good thing.


I have witnessed a lot of catfish caught below the Dam where I striper fish. Most catfishermen that I see are using one ounce sinkers with dead skip jack or cut bait. I would say the most common store bought bait for catfish are nightcrawlers and shad guts.


If small fish are appealing to you or you just want to take a kid fishing you can almost count on catching several bream. Any shady area along the lake or river edge can be a good place to catch a large number of bream. Small red worms work well but the most common bait would be crickets. Early morning hours are usually the best time to fish.

Compliments of Clagett Talley 731-607-5266 www.pickwickareaguide.com




01 Nov 2022

Pickwick Lake Elevation 413

Water Temp. 75


Bass fishing in Pickwick Lake has slowed down some. The shallow water areas have been the most productive areas for me over the past two weeks.  I have caught fish on weedless plastic baits around grassy areas.  The most productive bait has been a Strike King Rage Craw.  I have been fishing these on a football head jig in 3-5′ of water in these grassy areas.

Fishing below Pickwick Dam has been steady. I am catching fish throughout the day. I am catching a lot of small fish but in the same areas I am picking up some larger fish. You’re likely to land that big smallmouth this time of year below the dam.  You can sucessfully use a variety of baits fishing the river banks. I am using topwater baits, crankbaits, spinnerbaits and live bait.


I caught most of the stripers on a Strike King, King Shad in a Sexy Shad color. This jointed baitfish style lure runs just under the surface of the water and it closely resembles a thread fin shad. This bait has been a great producer of fish this year.  Striper fishing is great right now but it is expected to slow down for the winter months.


Catfish have been active and easy to catch.  I have caught them in the still water below the dam and in the current downstream.  They are in 12′ of water and 35′ and at least all depths in between. I have caught them on artificial catfish bait and night crawlers.  When I fish with a bait hook I always with a  Wisker Stickers hook by Strike King, it has two barbs to hold the bait on and the fish hang on to it as well.

Compliments of Clagett Talley  731-607-5266 or www.pickwickareaguide.com




05 April 2022

Pickwick Lake Elevation 414

Water Temp. 54


Bass fishing can be a little tough right now if you are a tournament fishermen or if you are just after a lot of big fish.  On the other hand you can catch several smaller fish right now, most people are catching 30-40 fish a day but like I mentioned they are all on the smaller side.   99% of the fish are being caught in real shallow water on moving baits.  Jigs and plastics are accounting for a lot of fish.  In 3-6′ a Red Eye Shad  is working well.  If you are fishing a ledge where you can throw a crankbait you can usually do well with a Strike King series 3 in crawfish colors.  The bigger fish seem to be deeper right now and you are most likely to catch them on heavy jigs and plastic baits moving slow.

White Bass

White bass are still easy to catch, if you are after numbers now is the time to go fish for white bass.  I catch a lot of white grubs on 1/4oz jigs close to the bank.  I also catch a lot on small Strike King crankbaits. White or crawfish colored crankbaits work well.


A few stripers are starting to show up right now, I have caught a few but I am looking forward to them biting better over the next week or two. The only way I have caught them have been on deep diving Strike King Series 6 crankbaits or fishing with a spoon close to the bottom.


Sauger can still be caught by trolling crankbaits. The ideal crankbait for me has been a Stike King series3 in bright colors.


Catfish are starting to move into shallow water areas like they do every year to spawn.  I have caught them while fishing for other species.  To catch these shallow catfish I usually fish with a live worm and float in 3-6′ of water.



Compliments of Clagett Talley  731-607-5266 or www.pickwickareaguide.com




15 March 2022

Pickwick Lake Elevation 410

Water Temp. 50


Bass are starting to pick up in numbers in Pickwick Lake. The last few trips have boated a good number of fish. The majority of the fish are in shallow water. Most fish are on flats in stumpy areas. Cast through these areas with a Red Eye Shad or spinner bait. Suspending jerk baits are working well on shallow ledges and points. As far as fishing below the dam, I have had a lot of luck on small Strike King Series 3 crankbaits and white grubs. Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass are hit or miss most days but Spotted Bass are constantly biting below the dam. The river seems to produce more and more spotted bass each year. Strike King Series 3 and Strike Shad are consistently working both  above and below the dam.

White bass

Fish gravel banks in the Shiloh area for white bass with a whit grub or Strike King Series 3XD crankbait. White bass should be fairly easy to catch throughout the spring.


Stripers are through out the river and lake. They are easier to pinpoint below the dam. You can occasionally catch some on deep diving Strike King Series 6XD Crank baits around the Dam. You can also catch them pretty good on live bluegill. The good news is that stripers will bite better and better from this point on. Over the next few weeks I expect to see some of the biggest stripers I will see all year and numbers will increase after that.




For an online report you can go to TWRA website where you can hear me give this fishing report online. You can access it through my website www.pickwickareaguide.com and you can also go there to access TVAs website and by doing so it will take you straight to Pickwick lake.

Compliments of Clagett Talley at Talley’s Outdoors 731-607-5266 or www.pickwickareaguide.com





23 Jan 2022


Grassy areas in the lake are still producing good fish at times although the grass is dying right now. Texas rigged Strike King tube baits and jigs have accounted for most of the fish we have caught. Black has been a good color for me as well as green pumpkin. The weather getting colder will make bass fishing tough over the next few weeks but this is still a time where you are likely to catch the biggest fish of the year.


If I was to take someone striper fishing right now I would depend on a deep diving crankbaits such as Strike King a series XDs to keep the trip interesting. Although I know you can have a good day on live bait and jigs drifting right now, I would not try it first.


After talking to a few catfishermen while I was on a sauger fishing trip I was told that catfishing is still productive right now. And after a few slow days of sauger fishing I think I would have been better off cat fishing. Most catfishermen are using worms bought at bait stores fish with them in deep water.


www.pickwickareaguide.com Clagett Talley


Compliments of Clagett Talley 731-607-5266 www.pickwickareaguide.com





22 Nov 2021


Bass fishing in the river below Pickwick Dam has paid off for me during some tough times but last week was a little slow on artificial baits, after looking for live bait in the river and not finding it I settled with minnows bought at a bait store. After drifting in the river with bait store minnows I had a lot more success. We caught a few fish in the 4-5 pound range. As far as bass fishing in the lake I am catching several fish in the grassy areas as the grass is dying down a little. Strike King Crank Baits and Spinner baits are accounting for most the bass I am catching in the lake and river.


Rockfish are scattering out away from the Dam now. Look for them around Diamond Island or farther down stream. Take a deep diving Series 6 Crank Baits and troll it along different depths in different areas and when you catch one you will usually find plenty of fun in that isolated area working it over and over.


Catfish are still biting good in several areas, I like to use nightcrawlers and red worms


More and more sauger are popping up. I have been to busy with other species but I have caught a few while catfishing and witnessed even more. I see most people using standard jigs with minnow but a few have been caught on smaller jigs in the still water around the Dam.


Compliments of Clagett Talley 731-607-5266 www.pickwickareaguide.com