Toccoa River


Lake and Stream Guide Service 706-669-4973-cell aka fishing guide hotline 706-669-4972 – office number ,online booking contact – Jenny

Facebook- Lake and Stream Guide Service

Lakes fished -species Carter’s Lake – stripers,hybrids,walleye,crappieand spotted bass Blue Ridge Lake – smallmouth bass ,walleye ,white bass Lake Nottley – stripers ,hydrids Toccooa River – brown ,rainbows,brook trout Hi elevation streams – native trout

Toccoa River Georgia Fishing Report:    14 July 2014


Fishing on the Toccoa River tailwater has been great lately. Water flows have returned to regular operations following a scare from the threat of warm water as the TVA worked fast to repair the main generator in the dam’s powerhouse. With over two complete years since the last point at which the river’s water temps hit the potentially lethal level for trout, there are more quality fish in the river being caught now than any other time since 2009.  Combine quality fish with plentiful, freshly stocked fish and it’s sure to make for a great day of fishing.

Regardless of how you like to go about catching trout, one bit of advice is crucial across the board: go early. The first and last hour of light in each day will hold the best bite.

Fly anglers will see lots of rising fish during these early and late low light periods, as well as sporadically throughout the day. FLy anglers on our trips have done best to fish dry mayfly and caddis pattern flies until the sun gets high, and then switch over to a tandem nymph rig, such as a Pat’s Rubber Legs and pheasant tail dropper.

If you must fish through the heat of the day, go big with your fly or lure and try to trugger the reaction strike. As a result, most of our biigest fish on any given day are coming smack in the middle of the day. Large stonefly patterns and streamers work great for this for fly-fishermen, as do jerkbaits, crankbaits and swimbaits for conventional tackle anglers.

While most other trout streams in the Peach state are facing warm water temps during the dog days, the Toccoa Tailwater is as chilly as ever and full of happy, hungry trout. There’s no better time than now to spend a day catching trout on “da river.”










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