Dale Hollow Lake Fishing Report by TWRA, report by creel clerks and located at Fishing Forecast
Dale Hollow Lake Tennessee Fishing Report: 12 March 2025
Report Contributor, Will Schibig, Region III, Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions
Dale Hollow Dam is generating 1,900 cfs of outflow, on average, per day. The reservoir elevation sits at 646’ and is stable. Water clarity on the lower end of the reservoir is 10-15’ while the mid-to-upper end of the reservoir can be 5’ or less. Main lake surface water temperatures are 48-50 degrees, while warmer water temperatures can be found in the backs of main creek arms or tributaries. Temperatures in the mid 50’s can be found here. There have been signs of mini shad kills throughout the reservoir. These are naturally occurring when water temperatures are in the 40’s.
Bass- Fishing is decent. Smallmouth are being caught in 10-15’ on gravel banks with chunk rocks around secondary points in creek arms with umbrella rigs, crankbaits, swim baits, or jigs. Largemouth are still being caught in deep water in main creek channels around baitfish. Cranking channel swing walls in the upper parts of creek or river arms in turbid waters will produce largemouth and smallmouth as well.
Crappie- Fishing is good. On the upper end, crappie is being caught 10-15’ down on brush or suspended. On the lower end, crappie is being caught in 10-20’ around grass beds.
Muskellunge- Fishing is slow. Anglers are targeting muskie while trolling baits like cisco shads 30’ or deeper in creek channels. Target Mitchell, Irons, Ashburn, or Sulphur Creeks for your best shot.
05 March 2025
Report Contributor, Will Schibig, Region III, Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions
Dale Hollow Dam is pulling with all generators and producing 3,600 cfs of outflow, on average, per day. The reservoir elevation is stable and starting to drop again, with the current elevation sitting at 647’. The surface water temperatures have also stabilized, with temperatures throughout the reservoir ranging from 45-50 degrees. Warmest waters can be found on sun-baked banks or stained, shallow waters. Water clarity ranges throughout the reservoir, with the clearest waters being from the mouth of Mitchell Creek to the dam. From the first island to Lily Dale, the water visibility is 5-10’ of clarity. Upstream in the tributary arms or the backs of the main creek arms, the clarity is 5 feet or less. Be cautious of floating debris up the Wolf River past Eagle Cove.
Bass- Fishing is decent. Smallmouth are being caught 8-10’ on gravel banks around secondary points in creek arms. Smallmouth are also being caught on flats with grass in 10- 20 FOW near the main lake channel swings. Largemouth are suspended in the upper water column around the mouths of main lake pockets.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Crappies are being caught suspended with bait fish 10-15’ down in the upper parts of creeks and river arms around the channel. Crappies can be caught around deep structures like grass and brush in 15-25’ as well.
26 Feb 2025
Report Contributor, Will Schibig, Region III, Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions-
Dale Hollow Dam has been generating at full capacity this week, producing 3,600 cfs outflow on average per day. The reservoir is still sitting near the summer pool at 649’ and is stable. Water clarity on the main lake is clear, with 10-15’ visibility from Lily Dale downstream. Major creek arms or the tributaries have different levels of turbidity, the further upstream towards the source you go the murkier it gets. The same goes with surface water temperatures, there is 50+ degree water in certain tributaries. The main lake is in the mid-to-high 40s, with temperatures expected to be around the 50s by the weekend. There is still quite a bit of debris on the upper and lower ends of the reservoir so be cautious of floating debris.
Bass- Fishing is decent. The smallmouth bite is pretty good. Smallmouth are being caught by anglers on sunny days around secondary, gravel points pretty close to the bank in 10-15 FOW. Some smallmouth are being caught on a float and fly around the main lake channel swing bluff banks on the lower end. The flies are set to a 10’ leader. Smallmouths are also being caught drifting shiners on the same type of banks. Largemouth are not biting as well, but some anglers are catching them in creek channels suspended in 30-60 FOW. With the warming waters, a shallow water bite may be possible on muddy, channel swing banks in the back of creek arms.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Crappies are being caught either suspended in the 20-25’ over main lake points or shallower in the mouths of pockets suspended 5-15’ down roaming with bait balls on the upper end.
18 Feb 2025
Report Contributor, Will Schibig, Region III, Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions
Reservoir elevation currently sits at 650’; it has rose 6’ since this time last week. Dale Hollow Dam has begun spilling after holding water, the generation schedule for the near future is 3,700 cfs on average outflow per day. Surface water temperatures vary throughout the reservoir. Main lake temperatures are in the mid-to-high 40’s, while in tributary arms or around outflow from runoff you could find up to 53-degree water. The water visibility is different forms of colored throughout the reservoir. The lower end has a 5-8’ visibility, while the mid-lake up the river tributaries has 5’ or less visibility, in some places >1’ of clarity. Be very vigilant and cautious of floating debris reservoir wide. Rising water will often pickup large logs or driftwood from the bank causing many hazards for boaters.
Bass- Fishing is slow. With the combination of rising water and cold water, the bite has been slow through all these fronts. Some smallmouth have been caught “sunbathing” up shallow on main lake points with either black shale or gravel. Largemouth are with the baitfish suspended 60’ or deeper near the main channel. If you’re able to find runoff with 50-degree water or warmer, fish a spinnerbait or vibrating jig near current breaks, structure, or the bank in these areas. Bass will tend to stick close to structure in murky water, so don’t be afraid to bang your spinnerbaits or crankbaits into heavy cover in these conditions.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. With the murky water, crappie fishing on the upper end will be difficult. Some crappies have been caught recently around main lake grass beds in 15-20 FOW.
12 Feb 2025
Report Contributor, Will Schibig, Region III, Creel Clerk
Reservoir Condition-
Dale Hollow Dam generates an outflow of 2,360 cfs on average each day. The reservoir elevation currently sits at 643’ and is currently rising. The water has risen 3’ in two days and is continuing to rise. Water clarity on the lower end is 10-14’ visibility still, but murkier water clarities will start to be found from Lily Dale upstream on both main river arms. Surface water temperatures are in the high 40s on the main lake on the lower end but could fluctuate depending on the temperature of the rain. You could expect outflow near tributaries to be in the low 50s or mid 40s depending on the temperature of the front that day. Be cautious of floating debris with the rising waters. Wear your life jacket. Run your navigational lights in low-vision conditions.
Bass- Fishing is slow. The bite has slowed with the changing of barometric pressures and all the fronts moving through. Smallmouth can still be caught on main lake points in 15-25 FOW and along main lake channel swing bluff walls. Largemouth are still suspended deep with bait balls in main lake creek mouths, in 40-60 FOW. If you can find water temperatures in the 50s+ with shad nearby, you may be able to get a shallow water bite with spinnerbaits in tree-tops on shallow flats.
Crappie- Fishing is good. The bite on the upper end is still decent, with anglers still catching crappie off deep brush in 15-25 FOW. Crappie are being caught on the lower end around the main lake grass in the same depth range.
05 Feb 2025
Report Contributor, Will Schibig, Region III, Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions-
Dale Hollow Dam is generating 200 cfs an average outflow per day. The reservoir elevation sits at 638’. Surface water temperatures are frigid, averaging 37-41 degrees reservoir-wide. Visibility is lacking upstream on the main tributary arms, only 3-5’ of clarity. Water visibility on the main lake is good, 7-12’ of visibility. Watch for sheets of ice on the upper Wolf and Obey River Arms. Please wear your life jacket; submersion into these cold water conditions can induce hypothermia within minutes.
Bass- Fishing is slow. When the water is this cold, most fish don’t have as many feeding periods throughout the day. Some anglers are catching individual bass on the main lake, 40-50’ down. On sunny days, some bass may pull up shallow to boat ramps or black shale banks.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. Anglers are catching a handful of crappie. Most are catching them off deep brush on the upper end of the reservoir 25’ down. The crappie are schooled together but getting them to bite is a challenge.
29 Jan 2025
Report Contributor, Will Schibig, Region III, Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions- Dale Hollow Dam is generating 200 cfs in average outflow per day. The reservoir elevation sits at 638’. Surface water temperatures are frigid, averaging 37-41 degrees reservoir-wide. Visibility is lacking upstream on the main tributary arms, only 3-5’ of clarity. Water visibility on the main lake is good, 7-12’ of visibility. Watch for sheets of ice on the upper Wolf and Obey River Arms. Please wear your life jacket; submersion into these cold water conditions can induce hypothermia within minutes.
Bass- Fishing is slow. When the water is this cold, most fish don’t have as many feeding periods throughout the day. Some anglers are catching individual bass on the main lake, 40-50’ down. On sunny days, some bass may pull up shallow to boat ramps or black shale banks.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. Anglers are catching a handful of crappie. Most are catching them off deep brush on the upper end of the reservoir 25’ down. The crappie are schooled together but getting them to bite is a challenge.
22 Jan 2025
Report Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions-
Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 60-270 cfs in average outflow per day. The reservoir elevation currently sits at 638.7’. Surface water temperatures sit in the low 40s to high 30s reservoir wide. Water clarity mid-reservoir down, is around 10-15’ of visibility. Up the Wolf & Obey River arms, clarity is 3-5’ of visibility. There is ice forming near the banks up the river arms and be cautious of ice forming in the channel that could cause damage to boats up these tributary arms.
Bass- Fishing is slow. With the water in the low 40s, the bite windows are small and few throughout the day. Threadfin shad can experience fish kills when water temperatures get in the low 40s or colder, so there may be a window for a float-n-fly bite on the lower end. Most bass are suspended in 50’ or deeper with baitfish. Some fish may come up shallow to black shale banks or areas with sun on them to find slightly warmer water temperatures.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. Some crappies are being caught around brush tops 30’ down with jigs.
15 Jan 2025
Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions-
Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 270 cfs per day. The reservoir elevation currently sits at 638.5’ and is slowly rising. The surface water temperatures reservoir-wide sit in the mid-to-low 40’s and will continue to drop. Up the river, or anywhere a tributary flows in, you will find the coldest temperatures with this snow melt runoff. Water clarity mid-reservoir down is clear, 7-12’ of visibility. On the upper end, water clarity is more stained; visibility is only 3-5’. Have caution on most of the backroads to the boat ramps and boat ramp parking lots, as lots of shaded roads are still covered in ice and snow.
Bass- Fishing is slow. The fish are cold and are not really cooperating. Some anglers are getting some bites with suspended bass around baitfish in 40-50 FOW. Target main lake channel swing banks and bluffs, as well as the mouths of creek arms for baitfish schools. Anglers targeting smallmouth are fishing live bait on main lake gravel points and flats in 20-30 FOW near the drop-offs.
08 Jan 2025
Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions-
Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 270 cfs per day. The reservoir elevation sits at 638’ and is slowly rising. Water visibility is poor on the upper end of the river, with 3-5’ of clarity. The mid-to-lower end of the reservoir is clear, 10’ of visibility. Water temperatures sit in the high-to-mid 40s and dropping.
Bass- Fishing is good. Smallmouth can be caught along main channel bluff walls. Target rockslides and downed trees with finesse baits, or parallel with jerk baits and small swimbaits. Smallmouth are also being caught on main lake gravel flats in 20-30 FOW with live bait. Largemouth are suspended with bait balls in 30-50 FOW in creek channels and creek mouths. in 5 feet or less any time here.
27 Dec 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Surface temperature is averaging 46-53 degrees. Reservoir elevation sits around 635.9’. Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 400 cfs per day. Water clarity is clear on the lower end, around 8-13’. Water visibility on the upper end is more 5-10’of visibility. Baitfish is still deep 30-50’ in creek and main lake channels.
Bass- Fishing is great. Smallmouth are being caught in deep water near baitfish. You can target any main lake channel swing bluff wall and catch fish on tree-tops or rockslides. The baitfish are not going ay shallower than 30-40’, so proximity to deep water is key. Largemouth are still being caught near the channel close to this bait with Damiki rigs or spoons.
Crappie- Fishing is good. The crappie are with the bait too, so whether you’re on the lower end and the fish are 20-50’ deep or you’re on the upper end and they’re closer to 25’ deep. Target suspended fish around bait or brush with jigs or minnows on slip bobbers.
Trout– Fishing is good. With the cold water, the trout are spread out from the dam to Willow Grove. If you’re looking to target them, still look around the dam and fish either spoons or live bait over deep water. Look for bait or schools of trout in 40-80 FOW.
20 Dec 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Surface temperature is averaging 48-53 degrees. Reservoir elevation sits around 636’. Water clarity is clear on the lower end, around 8-13’. Water visibility on the upper end is more 3-5’of visibility. Baitfish is still deep 30-50’ in creek and main lake channels.
Bass- Fishing is great. The smallmouth are fired up, and will continue to be while the water temps are in the low 50’s. The bait is still very deep, and most of the bass are not far from the bait schools. Target these bait schools with Damiki rigs or spoons in 40-60 FOW (If you’re catching bass deep make sure you practice good fish care with either safely fizzing fish or slowly reeling them up and quickly releasing.) The deep bait balls and bass can be found around main lake bluff walls, main creek channels and mouths. You can use jigs, swimbaits, or hair jigs on the 10-15’ shelves with wood or rockslides on these bluff walls. You can also catch bass that have pulled on flats off main channels with crankbaits or jerk baits in 5-15 FOW.
Crappie- Fishing is good. The crappie are just as deep as the bass. Anglers are catching fish around tree tops close to a channel. You can find crappie anywhere between 20-40’, mostly based on how deep the baitfish schools are in that part of the reservoir.
13 Dec 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions- Surface temperature is averaging 53-56 degrees. Reservoir elevation sits around 636’. Water clarity is clear on the lower end, around 8-13’. Water visibility on the upper end is more 5-10’of visibility. Baitfish is still deep 30-50’ in creek and main lake channels.
Bass- Fishing is great. Smallmouth are fired up with the mid-50s water temps. In darker light conditions, Smallmouth are being caught shallow on deeper banks with swimbaits or crankbaits. When the sun is out the smallmouth can be found deeper with the bait, or 15-25 FOW on darker rock banks. Just in general most bass are being caught on chunk-rock banks near a channel swing. Fish live bait on these banks casting at tree tops or points.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Anglers are catching crappie suspended around deep structure on channel banks. Crappie are suspended over these tree tops anywhere from 15-30’ deep.
The upper end of the reservoir continues to produce the best crappie fishing.
06 Dec 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Reservoir elevation is 636’. Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 500 cfs per day. The water temperature can fluctuate between 53-57 degrees per day based off weather or water clarity. Water clarity on the lower end is clear, 10-15’ of visibility. On the upper end, water clarity averages 5-8’ of visibility. Most of the baitfish can be found below 40 FOW in main creek channels, creek mouths, or along main river channel banks and deep flats.
Bass- Fishing is great. The smallmouth are fired up right now. You can catch them shallow on deep channel banks and points with chunk rock close to deep water & baitfish. Use hair jigs, Ned rigs, or small finesse jigs for these fish on the bank. Live-bait fisherman are catching their smallmouth around wood on chunk, rock banks in 10-30’. Fisherman are also catching bass jigging spoons on the deep bait balls in channels and creek mouths, these fish are 30-50’ deep. Please use caution when handling deep fish, either fizz them or bring them up slowly and release them quickly.
Crappie– Fishing is good. Crappie are being caught off of deep brush in 15-30 FOW. Target tree tops or brush piles on channel swing banks or deep flats with the presence of baitfish nearby.
29 Nov 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Reservoir elevation sits in winter pool at 636.6’. Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 900 cfs per day. Surface temperatures are starting to drop to 55-58 degrees. On the lower end of the reservoir, water clarities average 8-12 feet of visibility. The upper river arms and the backs of major creeks have water clarity of 3-5 feet of visibility. With the cold front, the bait has moved out to deeper water drawing most of the predatory fish closer to their winter patterns and deep-water habitat.
Bass- Fishing is good. All species of bass can be caught along deep, channel swing walls in 10-15 FOW with slow-moving baits like jigs or finesse lures. Some bass are being caught on the shallower shelves of these deep banks with medium running crankbaits. Most of the baitfish are 30’ or deeper, so fishing these schools of shad with spoons or Damiki rigs will produce quality fish. Live bait fisherman are catching smallmouth on the bottom 20-30 FOW near rocky points or islands near a channel.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Anglers are catching crappie anywhere from 10-15’ deep to 20’ all suspended over brush or treetops. Look for tree tops on channel swing banks on the upper end of the reservoir. Look for big balls of baitfish in those areas.
15 Nov 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Reservoir elevation sits in winter pool at 637’. Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 900 cfs per day. Surface temperatures are starting to drop to 61-63 degrees. The lower end of the reservoir water clarities average 10-15 feet of visibility. The upper river arms and the backs of major creeks have water clarity of 5-10 feet of visibility.
Bass- Fishing is good. Largemouth can still be caught shallow in the backs of major creeks on flats 15’ or shallower. Target any structure on these gravel flats like brush piles or grass. In between structure cover water with crankbaits, swimbaits, or topwater. The smallmouth are being caught deep around baitfish in creek channels between 20-40’. Target these fish with Damiki rigs or spoons.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Lots of crappie are being caught around the reservoir. The hot spots have been the upper end around deep tree tops in 15-25 FOW. Anglers are catching crappie on minnows + slip bobbers, jigs, or trolling. Trollers are targeting bigger individual fish in deeper water around channels and deeper flats with structure.
08 Nov 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Reservoir elevation sits at 637’. The average discharge from Dale Hollow dam is roughly 900 cfs. Surface temps hover between 63-65 degrees. Water clarity varies throughout the reservoir with the lower end having ~12’ visibility and the upper end having ~7’.
Bass– Fishing is good. The largemouth are where they’re supposed to be, in the backs of major creeks on shallow flats chasing bait. Any sort of structure on these flats should hold fish. The smallmouth, however, are not where they’re supposed to be. In the right conditions they’re shallow or feeding but most of the time they’re in 20’+ on the drop-offs near a feeding flat.
Crappie– Fishing is good. Anglers are catching crappie around brush or treetops on the upper end in 20-30’. Anglers are using front-facing sonar to target these schools of crappie.
01 Nov 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Water surface temperatures range from 64-66 degrees. The water clarity is 10-15’ on the lower end and 5-10’ in the backs of creeks. Lake elevation sits at 638’. Fish are fully in fall patterns and are feeding to prepare for the winter.
Bass– Fishing is good. Largemouth are actively feeding in the back flats of the main creeks. Any sort of structure like brush piles or ditches has fish schooled around it, as well as bass moving around the flats chasing bait. Target these fish with topwater, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, or swimbaits. The bigger largemouth are still in deeper water, you can catch these fish when they push bait to the surface or with front-facing sonar. The smallmouth seem to bite shallow in the right conditions. You can catch smallmouth on the banks where wind blows with swimbaits, jerk baits, or A-rigs.
Crappie– Fishing is good. Crappie are being caught in the backs of creeks on the upper end of the reservoir around brush piles and drop-offs. Crappie can be found on gravel flats near the river channel on the Obey & Wolf rivers as well. All these fish can be found between 10-25 FOW.
Sunfish – Fishing is good. Sunfish like bluegill and redear can be found anywhere with a gravel bottom. Points, flats, or backs of creeks that have some sort of structure like wood or grass is a good place to fish nightcrawlers on the bottom.
25 Oct 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Lake elevation sits at the winter pool at 639’. Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 800 cfs pr day. Water clarity has an average visibility of 8-12’ on the main lake. The upper end of the lake, water clarity averages 5-7’. Surface water temperatures ave dropped to an average of 68 degrees during the day. Water temperatures should continue to drop with the cold nights forecasted ahead. Baitfish ae getting active in shallow water during the dawn/dusk periods.
Bass- Fishing is good. During good weather conditions, there is a good shallow water bite going on. Smallmouth are being caught near the bank on swimbaits or topwater. Shallow, gravel flats in the back of the creeks or main lake have packs of bass on them; target these fish with topwater, spinnerbaits, crankbaits or swimbaits. If the weather is poor, including sunny + high pressure situations, then the bass will follow the bait back into the channel. Target these fish in the channel around bait balls with spoons or Damiki rigs.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Crappie can be caught on the upper end in the backs of creeks or on flats. Target fish near brush in 10-20 FOW, or around bait balls in the channels with front-facing sonar.
Catfish- Fishing is slow. Catfish have been caught by anglers using trotlines in the backs of creeks or rivers. Anglers are tipping the trot lines with live bluegill and hanging them around the channels.
Sunfish- Fishing is good. Shellcracker and bluegill can be caught on gravel flats with brush or grass on the main lake humps or flats. Use worms on the bottom or jigs.
11 Oct 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Lake elevation is at winter pool at 639’. Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 800 cfs per day. Water clarity has an average visibility of 8-12’ on the main lake. Surface water temperatures has dropped to an average of 74 degrees during the day. The cool nights are dropping the surface temps which will improve the fishing. After a week of cool nights, the fish will get used to the drop-in temperature and start becoming more active in chasing baitfish and moving shallow in the creeks.
Bass- Fishing is slow. The bass are still suspended near bait in deep water. One of the only ways to access these fish is utilizing front-facing sonar with a Damiki rig or spoon. The fish are either 10’ down or 40’ down it depends on the time of day. You can also troll crankbaits in 20’. As the water cools, the suspended fish will start pushing bait to the bank or shallow flats and can be caught a lot easier.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Crappie on the upper end are being caught near the channel in creeks or the main lake in 20-25’ near structure. You can utilize front-facing sonar with these fish in the brush or pick off the larger fish suspended in the channel.
Sunfish-Fishing is good. Anglers are catching redear and bluegill on main lake gravel points with worms on the bottom. If the points have stumps or grass, even better.
04 Oct 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Lake elevation is basically at winter pool at 640’. Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 800 cfs per day. Water clarity has an average visibility of 8-12’ on the main lake. Up the Wolf & Obey River arms, water clarity drops to 5-8’. Surface water temperatures average 79 degrees during the day. The combination of cold nights, low water, and warm water temperatures have the fish in a transition that equates to tough fishing during the day. Until the cold nights drop the water temperatures, the fishing during the day will continue to be tough.
Bass- Fishing is slow. Fish aren’t really chasing baits, so try using slower techniques. Flip wood in 5-10’, in the AM around the Obey River for largemouth. If you have front-facing sonar, then you can chase the fish as they suspend in creek channels around bait balls 25’ down. If you don’t have those electronics, you can try fishing shade lines or deep structures in 15-30 FOW. Smallmouths are being caught while slowly trolling shiners over long points in 30-40’ near the bottom.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. Crappie can be caught around brush piles or bait balls in 20-30’ in the back of major creeks on the flats near channels. You can target these fish with front-facing sonar or bottom fishing with minnows.
Walleye– Fishing is slow. The walleye have moved off the shallow flats and are now suspended over deep water near bait. Try trolling spoons or worm rigs 30-40’ down.
Shellcracker– Fishing is good. Look for the backs of coves with a gravel bottom with stumps or grass mixed in. Fish nightcrawlers on the bottom 5-10’ in these areas.
27 Sept 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Lake elevation is dropping again, it sits at 640’. Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 1,300 cfs per day. Water clarity has an average visibility of 7-12’ on the main lake. Up the Wolf & Obey River arms, water clarity drops to 3-5’. Surface water temperatures average 79-77 degrees during the day. The combination of cold nights, low water, and warm water temperatures have the fish in a transition which equates to tough fishing during the day.
Bass- Fishing is slow. Anglers having the most success are utilizing front-facing sonar while in creek channels and targeting individual fish or fish around bait balls that are suspended around 15-40’ deep. Anglers are targeting individual fish with Damiki rigs or firing up schools of bass with flutter spoons. You can also catch bass on topwater in shaded coves near the channel. Most of the shallow water bite has died due to the lack of shallow structure and warm water temps.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. Anglers can catch crappie on specific brush piles with front-facing sonar in the 15-30’ zone on flats near deep water.
Walleye- Fishing is slow. Anglers are trolling worm harnesses on flats in 30’ near deep water around the mid-lower end of the lake.
21 Sept 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Lake elevation has leveled out at 641’. Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 1,300 cfs per day. Water clarity has an average visibility of 7-12’ on the main lake. Up the Wolf & Obey River arms, water clarity drops to 3-5’. Surface water temperatures average 80 degrees during the day. Most shallow humps and islands are dry land now so be cautious while boating.
Bass-Fishing is good. Bass are being caught on shallow flats in 10-20’ on topwater during dawn/dusk and jigs during the day. Anglers are catching bigger bass with front-facing sonar in the middle of creeks on the lower end. These anglers are catching their fish in 20-25’ with Damiki-style jigs. Some bass are being caught shallow around gravel banks while chasing bait, these fish may be susceptible to square bills, flukes, or swimbaits.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. Crappie are being caught with front-facing sonar around brush on flats near deep water. The fish are being caught in 25 FOW on jigs. Crappie are averaging 10-12” with a few over 14”.
Trout- Fishing is slow. A few trout can be caught around the dam area in open water while trolling spoons or alewives in 25-40 FOW.
Walleye– Fishing is slow. Trolling crankbaits or nightcrawler harnesses over flats in 20-25’ with grass or near a channel is producing some fish.
Sunfish- Fishing is slow. Some sunfish have moved to brush in the middle of shallow creeks and bays. You can find decent redear sunfish around these brush piles.
06 Sept 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Lake elevation continues to drop and sits at 642.5’. Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 1,500 cfs per day. Water clarity has an average visibility of 8-14’, with 4’ in the backs of creeks. Surface water temperatures still sit around 83 degrees during the day. Most shallow humps and islands are dry land now so be cautious while boating.
Bass- Fishing is slow. Some largemouth are being caught shallow on flats with grass with topwater during dawn/dusk. During the day, most bass are being caught utilizing front-facing sonar in 20-25’ around creek channels and ditches. Most baitfish are moving to the backs of creeks on the upper end. Any type of shallow cover left in the water could hold bass. Square bills, vibrating jigs, or flipping this structure could produce some largemouth in these creeks.
Walleye- Fishing is slow. Trollers are catching a few fish trolling worm rigs around humps and flats in 30 FOW. People jigging spoons and jigging raps are catching fish deeper around 40’.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Crappie are being caught by fisherman on the Obey River arm while utilizing front-facing sonar on deep brush near the channel. 20-25 FOW.
Trout- Fishing is slow. Some trout are being caught near the dam with a spoon and front-facing sonar in 30-50 FOW. Trolling spoons or alewife in this general area can still produce fish during the day but mostly smaller rainbow trout.
16 Aug 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Lake elevation continues to fall to 644’, and Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 2,000 cfs per day. Water clarity has an average visibility of 6-8’, with 3’ in the backs of creeks. Surface water temperatures are very warm during the day, averaging 83-86 degrees.
Bass- Fishing is slow. Bass can still be caught deep (15-25FOW) during the day on rock piles or grass beds with finesse presentations. At night, these same fish can be caught on Colorado spinnerbaits, hair jigs, or big worms. There are some largemouth around shallow structure, target these fish with finesse lures as well.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Anglers are starting to catch numbers of fish on the upper end of the reservoir. Anglers trolling creek channels are catching numbers on crankbaits, while trollers on the main channel are catching quality slabs. 15-25’ seems to be the best zone depending on if it’s the creek or main river channel.
Walleye- Fishing is slow. Bites have slowed down, but quality is still good. Trolling harness rigs and crankbaits on grass flats mid lake is producing some fish but jigging deep-water structure on the lower end is producing the biggest fish. 25 FOW is the best range for trolling and even deeper for jigging.
EDITOR’S NOTE – Fire destroyed the gas dock and the store at Sunset Marina on 8-10-23. Please plan trips to Dale Hollow accordingly.
02 Aug 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Lake elevation has fallen to 646’, and Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 2,000 cfs per day. Water clarity has an average visibility of 8’, with 3’ in the backs of creeks. Surface water temperatures are very warm during the day, averaging 85-89 degrees. Shallow water grass seems to be topping out reservoir wide.
Bass- Fishing is slow. The same patterns are still at play, with a morning/dusk feeding period and fish around deep grass beds in 25-40 FOW. There seems to be more largemouth moving up shallow to feed on bluegill. Target shade from brush or laydowns in the backs of creeks, or there is a lot of bass around the backs of marinas on the upper end in the shallow, hot water. Target walkways or the shade of boat slips. Target these shallow fish with weightless soft-plastics, buzz baits, swim jigs or glide baits.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. Crappie are still deep on flats and grass humps in roughly 25’ chasing bait balls. Some anglers are catching crappie trolling crankbaits 16’ down in large creeks on the upper end. They are targeting channel swing banks.
Walleye- Fishing is good. Trolling harness rigs on flats near drop-offs in the 25-40’ range is still the best attack, but the bites are becoming slower.
27 July 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Lake elevation has risen back to 647.8’, and Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 3,000 cfs per day. Water clarity has gotten a bit murkier, with average clarity 7’. Surface water temperatures are very warm during the day, averaging 85-89 degrees. Be cautious of floating debris, especially up the Obey River arm upstream of the Hwy. 111 bridge.
Bass- Fishing is slow. Black bass can be caught during the day around grass beds, humps, or long gravel points between 20-30’ during the day on drop-shot, Ned rigs, or Carolina rigs. There is a small window during low light hours you can target roaming smallmouth with topwater spooks on channel banks around deep bait balls. There are some areas you can find a few largemouth around shallow cover like brush or laydowns. With the higher water, there are some places where you can find shallow vegetation like water willow or topped out vegetation.
Walleye- Fishing is good. Trolling seems to be the most popular type of fishing during the day. Trolling worm harness rigs around flats in 30’ that have either grass or near deep water seems to be the most popular with anglers. Targeting these same areas at night will give you a better shot at bites while trolling or fishing with lights.
Crappie-Fishing is slow. Crappie are still deep (~30’) on flats around cover or baitfish. If you can find the magic brush pile/grass bed paired with good electronics, you can get a few fish to bite. Reports are you can catch crappie around lights at night in these same areas.
19 July 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Lake elevation is slowly dropping to 645’ as Dale Hollow Dam is generating, on average, 1,500 cfs per day. Water clarity depends on boat traffic in the area but is around 8-12’ visibility. Surface water temperatures are very warm during the day, averaging 83-88 degrees. Deeper into the water column the cooler and more oxygen rich the environment is, this is why most fish can be found in 25-40 FOW. If you are releasing fish from 25’+, practice fizzing techniques to lower fish mortality. Be cautious of other boaters or floating debris during the day or night
Bass- Fishing is slow. Black bass can be caught during the day around grass beds, humps, or long gravel points between 20-30’ during the day on drop-shot, Ned rigs, or Carolina rigs. There is a small window during low light hours you can target roaming smallmouth with topwater spooks on channel banks around deep bait balls. You can find some largemouth shallow around brush on channel swing banks or backs of creeks, but these fish top out at about 3lbs.
Walleye– Fishing is good. Trolling seems to be the most popular type of fishing during the day. Trolling worm harness rigs around flats in 30’ that have either grass or near deep water seems to be the most popular with anglers. Targeting these same areas at night will give you a better shot at bites while trolling or fishing with lights.
Crappie-Fishing is slow. Crappie are still deep (~30’) on flats around cover or baitfish. If you can find the magic brush pile/grass bed paired with good electronics, you can get a few fish to bite. Reports are you can catch crappie around lights at night in these same areas.
12 July 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Condition-
Reservoir elevation stands at 647’ and Dale Hollow dam is generating, on average, 2,500 cfs per day. The water temperature ranges from 79-85 throughout the day. Water clarity ranges on how much boating activity is in the area but is averaging 7-11’. The recreational boating seems to be calming down, but still be cautious and aware of other boaters in the area while you’re on the water.
Bass- Fishing is slow. The day bite only really consists of a small window in the mornings and evenings that deep fish will push bait shallow. These fish can be caught on topwater or swimbaits if put in front of them. For the rest of the day the fish are either suspended or around some sort if structure anywhere from 20-40’. At night fish can be caught around deep grass or bluff walls at similar depths with spinnerbaits or hair jigs according to reports. There are a few largemouth roaming the flooded willow in the back of pockets, but rarely surpass 3lbs.
Walleye– Fishing is good. The trolling bite isn’t as hot, as the fish are being caught deeper in the 25-30’ range. Anglers are trolling flats near drop-offs with crankbaits or worm harnesses. Grass or submerged islands on these flats are more likely to draw a bite.
Trout- Fishing is slow. Some trout are being caught in the 25-50’ range trolling from the dam to Mitchell creek with spoons. Most of the trout being caught are smaller 2-3lb fish.
05 July 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Lake elevation remains around 648’. Dale Hollow Dam generates on average 2,000 cfs per day. The water temperature averages 80 degrees reservoir wide, with cooler temps being found in the headwaters of the Obey River. Water clarity averages 7’ unless affected by wake or flooding. The moon is waning this week and will be at half power for this weekend’s night bite. Be cautious of other boaters and be safe on the water.
Bass- Fishing is slow. There’s a decent topwater bite for smallmouth from sunrise to 9am. Anglers can catch a half-a-dozen fish on spooks in deep water over bait balls. Once the sun comes up, anglers will need to target bass in 25-40 FOW around grass and drop-offs. Finesse presentations like Ned rigs, drop-shot or hair jigs work best.
Crappie– Fishing is slow. Anglers can catch crappie, utilizing front-facing sonar, over grass or brush in 20-30 FOW. Trolling small crankbaits over grass and flats at the same depth is producing bigger fish. The night light bite is slowing, but you can still catch a few crappie with it according to reports.
Walleye- Fishing is great. The day-time trolling bite is still hot. Anglers are catching quality fish trolling crankbaits and night-crawler harnesses over flats near a drop-off in 25-40 FOW.
Trout- Fishing is good. The trout bite is producing mostly this year’s stocked 12-17’’ rainbow trout around the lower end of the reservoir. Troll crankbaits and spoons from 25-40’ around river and creek channels from Holly Creek to the dam.
Redear Sunfish- Fishing is slow. Some big shellcrackers have been showing up in 10-20’ while anglers are targeting other species. They’re being caught while trolling nightcrawler harnesses or night fishing around lights. To target them, try fishing the bottom with worms around grass or gravel flats in 20 FOW.
28 June 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Lake Elevation is 649’ after rising from last weekend’s rains. You will find cooler, muddier water with some current on the upper Obey River arm near Eastport Marina. Water temperatures on the main lake average 80 degrees during the day. Water clarity varies between 8-11’ visibility on the main lake. Dale Hollow Dam has begun generating, on average, 1,250 cfs per day. Be very cautious of other boaters and skiers during this holiday weekend. If fishing at night, obey navigational rules and use your running lights at all times.
Bass- Fishing is slow. The day bite is tough, and you have to work for some fish. Some anglers are having success catching bass around grass humps with front-facing sonar and finesse lures. Anglers are catching smallmouth and largemouth on drop-shots and Ned rigs in and on the grass edges 18-30’ deep. If fishing at night, target the fish above the grass with Colorado spinnerbaits. You can also target drop offs or points with hair jigs or creature baits at night as well.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. Some anglers have figured out the deep-water schools and are catching limits. They’re fishing flats with grass or brush in 15-20’ with front-facing sonar. The night bite has slowed for those fishing around lights according to reports.
Walleye- Fishing is good. The one bite that is hot during the day is the walleye trolling. Anglers are catching multiple fish over 20” while trolling flats in the 20-27’ range near drop-offs. Anglers are having success on crankbaits and night-crawler harnesses. Reports are that walleye are still biting around lights and bluff walls, just not as good as a few weeks ago.
Trout- Fishing is good. Lots of trout are being caught while trolling spoons around river channels. The fish are sitting in 17-25’. At night, a few trout can be caught around lights on the lower end.
14 June 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions:
Lake elevation sits at 648.4’ and Dale Hollow Dam is averaging 1,100 cfs per day. The water temperature ranges from 75-80 degrees reservoir wide. Water clarity on the upper end has more color from the recent storms, clarity averages 5’ in these areas. Fishing during the day for all fish species is slow, night fishing allows a higher percentage to find feeding fish. Most anglers are fishing at night so be cautious and have your navigational lights on at all times. Also be cautious of other recreational boaters while on the water.
Bass- Fishing is slow. Smallmouth can be caught during the day with finesse lures on main lake points in 15 FOW around rock. Largemouth & Smallmouth are still being caught around grass beds in the same depth during night and day. Target active feeding periods like sunrise or sunset for a higher percentage of finding feeding fish.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. The most successful anglers are catching crappie over grass in 20 FOW with front-facing sonar targeting suspended individual fish. At night, anglers are pulling up to trees on the obey river arm over deep water with lights and catching fish.
Walleye- Fishing is good. During the day a few walleye are being caught while trolling crankbaits in 20 FOW on channel banks. The best bite is at night along bluff walls with topwater and crankbaits. Fisherman are also trolling crankbaits over points from 15-20’ at night with lots of success.
Bluegill- Fishing is slow. The best sunfish are still being caught deep with worms along bluff walls or off gravel banks.
06 June 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions:
Lake elevation sits at 648.4’ and Dale Hollow Dam is averaging 800 cfs per day. The water temperature ranges from 78-82 degrees reservoir wide. Water clarity on the upper end is roughly 6’, and 10’ on the lower end. Fishing during the day for all fish species is slow, night fishing allows a higher percentage to find feeding fish. Most anglers are fishing at night so be cautious and have your navigational lights on at all times. Also be cautious of other recreational boaters while on the water.
Bass- Fishing is slow. During the day, target grass beds on the mid lake. Fish will pull up on top of humps in the twilight periods and at night. Target these shallow fish with topwater, swimbaits, and spinnerbaits. During the day, the bass will mostly be in the grass 10-30’. These fish can be caught on bottom-contact baits, flutter spoons, or swimbaits over the grass. At night, fish shallow banks close to channel drop-offs with finesse lures, Colorado spinnerbaits and topwater. Anglers are catching a lot of bass up the Obey River arm while trolling crankbaits on flats in 20 FOW.
Crappie– Fishing is slow. The most successful anglers are catching crappie over grass in 20 FOW with front-facing sonar targeting suspended individual fish. At night, anglers are pulling up to trees on the obey river arm over deep water with lights and catching fish.
Walleye– Fishing is good. During the day a few walleye are being caught while trolling crankbaits in 20 FOW on channel banks. The best bite is at night along bluff walls with topwater and crankbaits. Fisherman are also trolling crankbaits over points from 15-20’ at night with lots of success.
Bluegill– Fishing is slow. Anglers are catching quality bluegill on the bottom in 20 FOW with worms on bluff wall shelves around the upper end of the reservoir. Most of the panfish are moved out off the bank.
Trout- Fishing is slow. Some trout are being caught by walleye fisherman at night either around lights or by trolling nightcrawler harnesses around the mid-lower reservoir. All fish are being caught around main river/creek channels.
31 May 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions:
Lake elevation sits at 648.4’ and Dale Hollow Dam is averaging 800 cfs per day. The water temperature ranges from 76-80 degrees reservoir wide. Water clarity on the upper end is roughly 6’, and 10’ on the lower end. Most anglers are fishing at night so be cautious and have your navigational lights on at all times. Also be cautious of other recreational boaters while on the water.
Bass- Fishing is slow. Most anglers are currently fishing at night for bass. These nighttime anglers are using spinnerbaits and creature baits around grass and points from 5-15’. During the day, anglers can catch both large and smallmouth on grass humps and points in 10-25 FOW. Target suspended fish over the grass with swimbaits, flukes, or topwater. You can use
Texas rigs, Carolina rigs, or ned rigs in or around the grass too. There is a small window of activity in the early morning and dusk where anglers can catch feeding bass with top waters, swimbaits, or soft plastics.
Crappie– Fishing is slow. During the day, anglers are catching crappie over grass with front-facing sonar in 20’. The best bite is at night around lights. Position your light around a channel and wait for the baitfish to show up.
Walleye- Fishing is good. Like the crappie, fishing at night around the lights is also producing good walleye. Reports are that anglers are also catching quality walleye around bluff walls with topwater baits at night.
Sunfish- Fishing is slow. Most sunfish are being caught off the bank in roughly 10’. Anglers are catching redear and bluegills on drop-shot rigged nightcrawlers in these areas.
24 May 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Reservoir elevation sits at 648.7’ and Dale Hollow Dam, on average, draws 300 cfs per day. Water clarity has remained clear on the main lake, averaging 7-10’ visibility, while the wolf river arm averages 3-5’ visibility. In the morning water temperatures average 73 degrees, and warm to 78 degrees by afternoon. It’s that time of year that an angler will have more success at night than during the day to get a bite from most game fish species. If fishing at night, remain cautious of your surroundings and follow all navigational rules. Also be aware and respectful with recreational boaters this weekend.
Bass– Fishing is poor. The daytime bite is hard to come by. Largemouth are just about fully in their deep water, summertime pattern. You can find these fish suspended in creek channels utilizing front-facing sonar. Using a Damiki rig, flutter spoon, or jerk bait will gain a reaction bite from these post pawn largemouth. You can find all three black bass species in the offshore grass beds throughout the lake. During the day, the bass will spend most of their time deep in the grass. These fish can be caught with either finesse presentations or soft plastics pulled through the grass. At certain feeding periods you can use a spoon, swimbaits, topwater, or hair jig above the grass beds for those feeding suspended fish. Smallmouth can also be caught on channel swing banks in 10-20’ with umbrella rigs, swimbaits, or on the bottom with ned rigs. At night try the aforementioned grass beds or gravel islands and drop-offs with Colorado spinnerbaits or creature baits on the bottom.
Crappie- Fishing is poor. The crappie are suspended in the backs of spawning pockets and creeks, with the best way to catch them is with front-facing sonar. These crappie are sitting in 10-15 FOW and will strike jigs or minnows if placed around them. You can also look for suspended crappie around creek points and mouths.
Bluegill & Redear Sunfish. Fishing is decent. The redear have mostly come off beds. Anglers are currently only catching smaller redear on beds, but some anglers are catching big prespawn sunfish staging off beds in 10-15’ near grass. This is suggesting a 2nd wave could be moving up with the next full moon. Bluegill are in full swing on beds, look for beds on gravel banks either main lake or in the backs of creeks. Fish anywhere between 3-15’ with drop-shot style worms.
Catfish- Fishing is good. The catfish bite isn’t as hot and heavy as it was the last few weeks, but anglers are still catching quality cats on the bank while sunfish fishing. The best way to target catfish is to utilize jugs or limb lines near main lake bluff walls with live sunfish.
17 May 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Water elevation is 648.4’. Dale Hollow Dam is currently averaging 300 cfs per day. Water temperature averages between 70-76 degrees. The coolest waters can be found on the lower end and the warmest in the Wolf River. Water clarity averages 8-12’ of visibility.
Bass- Fishing is good. The majority of the bass have left the shallow water and is in transition to their deep-water patterns. Points or bluff walls with shade are some of the last holdouts for shallow smallmouth. Fisherman are catching fish in these areas with bottom contact baits like ned rigs, tubes, or jigs in 5-25 FOW. Both species can be caught in offshore grass beds with soft plastics, hair jigs or swimbaits over the top. Anglers are back on the front-facing sonar picking off suspended largemouth with flutter spoons, Damiki rigs, and jerk baits. These suspended fish are in creek channels, points, or over grass.
Bluegill & Redear– Fishing is great. Sunfish can be found on bed throughout the reservoir. They are typically found with a gravel bottom in 1-8 FOW. You can find beds on main lake banks, backs of creeks, or in offshore grass humps. Anglers are catching their slabs on nightcrawlers on a “drop-shot style” rig on the bottom.
Catfish- Fishing is great. Catfish are being caught shallow in creeks on nightcrawlers by pan fisherman. Anglers targeting catfish have been most successful with limb lines and jugs tipped with nightcrawlers and minnows.
Crappie- Fishing is poor. Some crappie are being caught around grass on the mid lake. As the fish move to their summer patterns in deep water, they will be easier to catch. But for now, target grass and laydowns on the mid to upper reservoir in 8-20 FOW.
10 May 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Water elevation is 648’. Dale Hollow Dam is currently averaging 300 cfs per day. Water temperature averages between 67-70 degrees. The coolest waters can be found on the lower end and the warmest in the Wolf River. Water clarity averages 8-12’ of visibility. Bass and crappie should be 90% finished with their spawns. Next up, is sunfish and catfish for their spawns starting soon.
Bass- Fishing is okay. This first week of post spawn has been rough on anglers. Lots of fish in transition to their deep-water patterns. Anglers are finding fewer bass on the bank, but there are still a few on main channel, chunk rock banks that have definite shade lines and laydowns. Target these fish with soft plastics or topwater. Smallmouth are being caught on main lake/creek gravel points and flats in 10-15 FOW with swimbaits and crankbaits. Largemouth are being caught deep with front-facing sonar around bait balls in creek channels or around main lake grass beds.
Crappie- Fishing is okay. Same story for the bass fisherman, these post spawn crappie are hard to locate. Anglers are finding some bigger black crappie on the mid to lower reservoir around grass and laydowns. Fish should be transitioning to their offshore patterns in the coming weeks.
Walleye– Fishing is great. Lots of big post spawn walleye are being caught on main lake, channel swing banks reservoir wide. Trolling crankbaits in 10-15 FOW along these swing banks will produce some bites during the day. At night, setup lights on long, gravel points on the main lake to target feeding walleye and other species with jerk baits and swimbaits.
Redear & Bluegill- Fishing is great. The redear spawn is upon us soon. Redear are already staging on gravel in 5-10 FOW. Anglers are having tremendous success catching slab redear and bluegills when finding grass or brush in these areas. Using worms on the bottom has been very successful so far.
Catfish- Fishing is great. Lots of big catfish wandering near the bank while getting ready to spawn. Redear anglers are catching many 5+lb channel catfish while bottom fishing with worms. Limb lines and jugs tipped with livers and nightcrawlers are still producing in the backs of creeks.
Trout- Fishing is good. Rainbow trout are being caught while trolling spoons and alewives in 20-22 FOW. Big brown and rainbow trout are starting to be caught at night by fishing the lights with live bait and spoons. Target the lower end of the reservoir, from Willow grove downstream to the dam.
03 May 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions- Lake elevation still sits at 647.5’ and Dale Hollow Dam discharging on is average 500 cfs per day. Water temperatures vary between 60-65 degrees reservoir wide, with the warmest waters being on the upper end or in the back of creek arms. Water clarity is 10-15’ on the lower end and 7-12’ on the upper end. This week is the last full moon on the spawning cycle for black bass, the last wave of largemouth will be pulling up this week. Next will be sunfishes and catfish.
Bass- Fishing is great. Even with the cold fronts, anglers can still catch post spawn smallmouth on main lake/creek channel bluff walls that have chunk rock, shelves, overhanging shade, and treetops. Anglers can either use reactionary baits like topwater or finesse like dropshots and shaky heads. Target 0-15 FOW. Largemouth are mostly post spawn but can still be found in the backs of creeks. Target shade or wood with topwaters, soft plastics, or big swimbaits. Largemouth will be making their way out of the creeks, so hit secondary points on the way out of the creek arms. Spotted bass can be caught on landslides or laydowns with topwater in Mitchell Creek.
Crappie- Fishing is slow. The crappie are finishing up their spawn and should be in transition. On the lower end, anglers are struggling to find crappie. The upper end of the reservoir still provides the better chance to catch crappie. Target deep laydowns and grass that the crappie may have used in prespawn with minnows and jigs.
Trout- Fishing is good. Freshly stocked rainbow trout can be found anywhere on the lower end. Trolling for the big brown and rainbows near the dam is back in full swing. Using planar boards, troll plugs, spoons, or alewive in channels 25-40’. The night light fishing for trout should be starting soon.
Walleye- Fishing is good. There are a lot of post spawn walleye on the bank during the day, meaning the night bite is here. Use jerk baits, spinnerbaits, or swimbaits along main creek banks at night. The night light bite is on, position the boat on a channel bank in 40 FOW, and wait for the baitfish to come in.
Catfish- Fishing is great. Lots of big channel catfish are being caught on limb lines and jugs. Fish are mostly being caught in secondary pockets or backs of creeks with nightcrawlers. Fish are close to the bank.
26 April 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions-
Lake elevation currently sits at 647.5’, hopefully this week’s rain will help bring the water up to help the spawns. Dale Hollow Dam is pulling, on average, 1,500 cfs daily. Water temperatures have jumped around all week, but main lake is 60-62, and the creeks are 63-65 degrees. Water clarity is good, main lake is 10-15’ visibility and the creeks are 3-6’ visibility. This weekend the moon will be waxing at 60%. The last wave of spawners will be moving up with this last full moon. The majority of black bass and walleye are post-spawn.
Bass- Fishing is good. The fishing was hot up shallow until the latest cold font, now the fishing has slowed. Largemouth are still hanging around the creeks but are very finicky. Slow down with soft plastics on wacky rigs, shaky heads, or drop shots around laydowns and willow trees. Smallmouth are mostly post-spawn and very hungry. They are eating ned rigs and jigs on main lake, rocky banks, and points in 0-15 FOW. Target these areas especially when there is a shade line. Live bait fisherman are catching smallies on shiners on the bottom in 12-15 FOW. Grass on main lake points is also producing large & smallmouth bass, a small swimbait or topwater over the tops is producing quality post-spawn fish.
Walleye– Fishing is great. Anglers are catching big walleye on bluff shelves mid-lake on shiners. Anglers can also catch walleye on clay points that have grass with shad imitating baits at night and early in the morning. The night light bite has started, and these post-spawn walleyes are feeding! Post up on a point or rock bluff with a green light and shiners and wait for them to come in.
Trout- Fishing is okay. The trout are spread out this time of year, but as the water warms, they will start to confine around the dam area of the reservoir. As for now, bass fisherman are catching anything from 10’’ stockers to 5lbers on swimbaits or crankbaits around the mid-lake area. It’s hard to say this time of year where to target trout, but anywhere on the main lake or creeks you have a decent chance of hooking into one.
Crappie– Fishing is okay. The crappie are in full spawn, making it more difficult to catch them. The only fisherman that are having success, are on the upper end of the lake fishing brush in 5-20 FOW with jigs and minnows. With the low water levels, the crappie haven’t migrated to the bank like in the past as heavy, so the brush they were staging on in pre-spawn is where they’re still at. The bite is harder to come by, but the fish are still there.
Catfish– Fishing is great. Big channel catfish are being caught on the bank. Limb lines with nightcrawlers, are doing well on lower end of the lake creeks. Throughout the lake, catfish are being caught on worms while fishing laydowns.
White bass- Fishing is good. The white bass are still spawning on the upper reaches of the E. Fork Obey River above Compton Bottoms ramp. These fish are spawning on sandy bottoms in the larger pools. Any small jig or minnow will occasionally distract them to bite. Be mindful of the spawn and be respectful of what you take home. Also, be careful of shallow shoals on the upper reaches of the river.
Bluegill & Redear Sunfish- Fishing is good. Fisherman are catching good panfish on the upper end of the reservoir on worms around brush and clay banks. No one is catching bull shellcrackers or bluegill yet, but their spawn is coming up next and is around the corner.
19 April 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Water temperature varies from 57-61 degrees. Water clarity on the lower end of the reservoir is clear (10-12’ visibility), the upper river arms are slightly dingier (6-8’ visibility.) Reservoir elevation is slowly rising and is currently sitting at 647’. Dale Hollow Dam isn’t drawing as much water as recent weeks, currently averaging 900 cfs per day. On the upper end of the reservoir, especially the main river arms, you will find the warmest waters. The water temperature dropped from 60 to 55 due to last week’s cold front, slowing the spawn for crappie and smallmouth bass. This week’s warmer weather should have the fish back up shallow for this weekend’s fishing. Water temperature is crucial this time of year. The moon is waning this week.
Bass– Fishing is great. This is the window of the year that the majority of the fish in the lake are up shallow. Smallmouth were spawning with the full moon and 60-degree water but backed off when the water temperature dropped. The fish are hanging around main lake gravel and points. A small swimbait or jerk bait in these areas, 5-15 FOW, has been lights-out fishing. There are some big largemouth in the backs of creeks and pockets on the bank waiting for the water to hit 65. These fish are susceptible to swim jigs, swimbaits, finesse worms, or buzz baits. Target laydowns or buck brush in these shallow waters. When the water warms another 2-3 degrees or the lake rises another foot, the shallow water bite will be phenomenal.
Crappie– The fishing is great. The fish are everywhere. On the upper end, you can catch fish up shallow in brush on jigs, or in 20 FOW off the bank staging to spawn. Black Crappie are starting to darken up, and if you can find 62-degree water, they will be on the bank.
White bass– Fishing is steady. The East Fork Obey River is 55 degrees at Compton bottom ramp, so the fish aren’t loaded at the shoals just yet. There are still some fish in the area, and they will school on the channel side of the river around deep holes. Small swim baits, grubs, or spinners will catch a good dinner.
11 April 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Water temperature varies from 57-61 degrees. Water clarity on the lower end of the reservoir is clear (10-12’ visibility), the upper river arms are slightly dingier (6-8’ visibility.) Reservoir elevation is slowly rising and is currently sitting at 647’. Dale Hollow Dam isn’t drawing as much water as recent weeks, currently averaging 900 cfs per day. On the upper end of the reservoir, especially the main river arms, you will find the warmest waters. The water temperature dropped from 60 to 55 due to last week’s cold front, slowing the spawn for crappie and smallmouth bass. This week’s warmer weather should have the fish back up shallow for this weekend’s fishing. Water temperature is crucial this time of year. The moon is waning this week.
Bass– Fishing is great. This is the window of the year that the majority of the fish in the lake are up shallow. Smallmouth were spawning with the full moon and 60-degree water but backed off when the water temperature dropped. The fish are hanging around main lake gravel and points. A small swimbait or jerk bait in these areas, 5-15 FOW, has been lights-out fishing. There are some big largemouth in the backs of creeks and pockets on the bank waiting for the water to hit 65. These fish are susceptible to swim jigs, swimbaits, finesse worms, or buzz baits. Target laydowns or buck brush in these shallow waters. When the water warms another 2-3 degrees or the lake rises another foot, the shallow water bite will be phenomenal.
Crappie– The fishing is great. The fish are everywhere. On the upper end, you can catch fish up shallow in brush on jigs, or in 20 FOW off the bank staging to spawn. Black Crappie are starting to darken up, and if you can find 62-degree water, they will be on the bank.
White bass– Fishing is steady. The East Fork Obey River is 55 degrees at Compton bottom ramp, so the fish aren’t loaded at the shoals just yet. There are still some fish in the area, and they will school on the channel side of the river around deep holes. Small swim baits, grubs, or spinners will catch a good dinner.
05 April 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
April 5, 2023
Reservoir Conditions
Water temperature average 58 degrees, with the upper end closer to 62 degrees. Water clarity from Lily Dale downstream to the dam is still clear, 12-15’ visibility. On the upper end of the reservoir water can be more turbid (~5-10’ visibility). Reservoir elevation is slowly rising and is currently sitting at 646’. Dale Hollow Dam isn’t drawing as much water as recent weeks, currently averaging 1,400 cfs per day. On the upper end of the reservoir, especially the main river arms, you will find the warmest waters. Fish of multiple species are being caught shallow in these areas. We are currently in a full moon phase.
Bass- Fishing is good. Bass can be caught on the bank or possibly on beds from Lily Dale to Eastport. As the water temperatures warm towards 65 degrees, the largemouth will get closer to the spawn. Smallmouth should start spawning in 60-degree water with this current moon phase. They tend to spawn on gravel banks or rock shelves, and depending on water clarity, they can spawn as deep as 6-10 FOW. For pre-spawn fish, they can still be caught on secondary points leading into spawning pockets with jerk baits, shaky heads, or live-imaging sonar. Keep an eye on the water temperatures in your area to determine what the fish should be doing.
Crappie- Fishing is great. Same details apply as for the bass. The upper end should have fish closer to spawn. Crappie will spawn on any form of brush like treetops or willow trees when the water temperature ranges from 62-68 degrees. These crappie are susceptible to jigs or minnows when they are in this mode. Pre-spawn fish can still be caught with live-imaging sonar in the backs of creeks or pockets close to shallow water.
White bass– Fishing is good. The white bass run should be in full effect. The water temperature of the shoals on the E. Fork Obey River was 58 degrees as of last week. White bass spawn in 60–62-degree water, so as the water on the river warms, the fish should migrate to the shoals. Use small swimbaits, crankbaits, grubs, or spinners from Compton Bottoms boat ramp upstream to the shoals area targeting the river channel area.
Walleye- Fishing is steady. As of last week, there were a few remaining walleye in the shoals area on the E. Fork Obey River. The walleye are in all three stages of the spawn in this area, and some may be difficult to catch. Target boulders or deep pools in this upper river area. The special regulations for walleye still apply to the Obey River until April 15th.
29 March 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
March 29, 2023
Reservoir Conditions
Water temperature average 54 degrees, with the upper end closer to 58 degrees. 60+ degree water can be found in the backs of major creek arms and the Wolf River arm, especially after a warm rain. Water clarity from Lily Dale downstream to the dam is still clear, 12-15’ visibility. On the upper end of the reservoir water can be more turbid (~4-6’ visibility). Reservoir elevation is slowly rising and is currently sitting at 646’. Dale Hollow Dam isn’t drawing as much water as recent weeks, currently averaging 900 cfs per day. Fish are starting to return shallow after moving out from the cold fronts. Anywhere you can find the 60+ degree water, those bass and crappie are going to be heading to the bank.
Bass- Fishing is great. Conditions have stabilized after the cold front, and the fish have remembered what they’re supposed to do. You can catch all black bass species either up shallow or suspended off the bank. Largemouth can be found on structure in the backs of creeks where there is an inflow of warm water. Smallmouth can be caught on creek points and gravel banks in 10-20’. Fishing slow with jigs or power fishing with blade baits, swimbaits, or jerk baits is catching lots of brown fish. The biggest limits are still coming from the lower end with live-imaging sonar and Damiki rigged flukes. These fish will be suspended in the back halves of creeks and pockets around baitfish.
Crappie- Fishing is great. The crappie fishing has been excellent since February. The best fishing is taking place in the back ¼ of major creeks on the upper end. Fish are being caught by trolling/spider-rigging jigs around the creek channel, using minnows on brush, and utilizing live-imaging sonar to target individual fish. Fishing on the main Obey River has slowed down some, but it’s still an easy way to catch some keepers around brush with minnows and jigs.
White bass- Fishing is slow. The run has begun on the E. Fork Obey River. Target the area between Eastport Marina and Compton Boat Ramp. The majority of the fish are in this area and will begin to move upstream of Compton, into the shoals. Troll spinners, umbrella rigs, swimbaits, and crankbaits near the river channel to maximize your chances of getting bit.
23 March 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions
Water temperature averages 50 degrees, with the upper end closer to 53 degrees. Water clarity from Lily Dale downstream to the dam is still clear, 12-15’ visibility. On the upper end of the reservoir, where there is runoff from tributaries, water can be more turbid and also warmer. Reservoir elevation is slowly rising and is currently sitting at 645’. Dale Hollow Dam isn’t drawing as much water as recent weeks, currently averaging 900 cfs. Fishing has been best on days before fronts or rain systems that have been moving through. Fish are starting to return shallow after moving out from the cold fronts. You can find them on main lake and points towards the mouths of creeks.
Bass- Fishing is good. Smallmouth are being caught on gravel banks on the main lake and points within major creeks in 15-20 FOW. Swimbaits, jerk baits, blade baits, and jigs in clear water have been the best options. Multiple smallmouth over slot have been caught this week. In murkier water, all black bass species are being caught on chunk rock with crankbaits, vibrating jigs, and flipping. Largemouth can still be caught utilizing Damiki rigs and front-facing sonar on the lower-end. Fish can also be caught around grass on the mid-lake. Fishing slow with jigs and shaky heads in 10-20 FOW.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Limits of quality crappie are continuing to be caught reservoir wide in multiple ways. On the upper end, you can find the crappie and baitfish in the back ¼ of major creek arms. Target these fish with jigs and minnows on brush, with front-facing sonar, spider rigs, or trolling. On the lower end, limits are being caught targeting suspended fish with front-facing sonar around grass and brush in 20 FOW.
Trout- Fishing is good. Trout are being caught accidentally by anglers with front-facing sonar on the lower end with Damiki rigs while suspended in creek channels. Trout are being stocked at
Holly Creek ramp and will be around the area for a few days before dispersing. These freshly stocked trout can be caught on spinners or worms.
16 March 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions: Lake elevation sits at 645’. Dale Hollow Dam is drawing on average 3,500 cfs daily. Water temperature ranges from a low of 53 degrees on the lower end, to a high of 60 degrees on the upper end in stained water. An average temperature of 55 degrees can be found reservoir wide. Colored water can be found as far down as Willow Grove, the stained water varies between 4’ to 2.5’ in visibility. You can still find 12-15’ visibility by the dam. Be very cautious for floating debris on the Wolf & Obey River arms. Fish are very much in pre-spawn patterns with some fish moving up shallow already.
Bass: Fishing is good. Largemouth can be caught on the lower end still by utilizing front-facing sonar targeting suspended fish in ~20 FOW with Damiki rigs in the creek channels. Largemouth can be caught on the upper end in the murkier water on the bank. Crankbaits, vibrating jigs, and spinnerbaits in 5-10’ on main creek points around rocky banks and flats are getting bites. Smallmouth are being caught on main lake banks and points in 15-20’ with umbrella rigs, jerk baits, and crankbaits on chunk rock. Mid-lake grass is also producing mixed-species bags.
Crappie: The fishing is excellent. Big crappie and limits of crappie are continuing to be caught reservoir wide. On the lower end is where the biggest crappie is being caught by front-facing sonar, limits are averaging 14”. On the upper end, crappie is being found in the backs of major creeks. These fish are around bait and brush on the flats in 8-15 FOW. The fish are close to moving to shallow brush for the spawn.
Sunfish: Fishing is good. Big bluegill and redear sunfish are being caught in muddy water on the upper end. Bottom fishing with night crawlers near creek mouths and brush is producing multiple slab panfish.
09 March 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions: The lake elevation sits at 644.5’. Dale Hollow Dam is releasing close to 3,000 CFS daily. Water clarity varies across the reservoir. From Willow Grove downstream to the dam, you can find 10-15’ water visibility. The backs of creek arms, and from Lily Dale upstream, you can find dingier water around 1-5’ visibility. Water temperature also warms the farther upstream you go, 48 degrees by the dam and 55 degrees in the backs of some creeks. Be cautious of floating debris on the Wolf & Obey River arms. Fish are starting to stage in pre-spawn patterns reservoir wide.
Bass: Fishing is great. More bass are starting to be caught on the bank by anglers. Anglers can catch all black bass species on channel swings with crankbaits and jigs in muddier creeks in 2-8 FOW. In clearer water, A-rigs on creek channel bluffs in 15-20 FOW, is catching many smallmouths. Fish can also be caught on flats with grass, slowly dragging jigs in 10-20’. Front-facing sonar is still catching the best limits of fish. Anglers are doing this with Damiki rigs in pockets for fish suspended 15-25’.
Crappie: Fishing is excellent. Anglers are catching limits of big crappie utilizing front-facing sonar targeting individual fish suspended around baitfish or grass. Crappie are also being caught up the major river arms on brush with minnows and jigs. All crappie are around 20’ deep.
03 March 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions: Reservoir elevation stands at 642.2’, and Dale Hollow Dam has drawn generation down to 600 cfs per day. Water temperature averages 47 degrees lake-wide but fluctuates depending on weather and clarity. The water clarity is between 10-15’ on the main lake, and 3-5’ on the creek/ river arms. Use caution on the Obey River arm for floating debris.
Bass: Fishing is great. Limits of over 20lbs are still being caught by anglers every day. Anglers that are able to get fish to bite utilizing live imaging sonar and Damiki rigs are doing the best. These anglers are targeting suspended bass around baitfish in any pockets or creeks. The fish are suspended in 20-30 FOW. Smallmouth can be caught with jerk baits and swimbaits over treetops in 20 FOW.
Crappie: Fishing is excellent. The crappie fishing is absolutely tremendous reservoir wide right now. Anglers are filling limits, and commonly with many fish over 14”. Anglers are finding independent crappie suspended over channels in 20 FOW and picking them off with jigs. The most successful anglers are utilizing live imaging sonar. You can still catch limits of crappie on treetops up the river arms in 20 FOW with minnows and jigs, all without having to use live imaging.
Walleye: Anglers are starting to target walleye. These anglers are trolling spoons in 20-40’ targeting suspended fish. The run up the Obey should be heating up soon. A reminder to stay up to date with special regulations regarding the walleye run on the Obey River.
24 Feb 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions: Reservoir elevation stands at 642.2’, and Dale Hollow Dam has drawn generation down to 600 cfs per day. Water temperature averages 47 degrees lake-wide but fluctuates depending on weather and clarity. The water clarity is between 10-15’ on the main lake, and 3-5’ on the creek/ river arms. Use caution on the Obey River arm for floating debris.
Bass: Fishing is great. Limits of over 20lbs are still being caught by anglers every day. Anglers that are able to get fish to bite utilizing live imaging sonar and Damiki rigs are doing the best. These anglers are targeting suspended bass around baitfish in any pockets or creeks. The fish are suspended in 20-30 FOW. Smallmouth can be caught with jerk baits and swimbaits over treetops in 20 FOW.
Crappie: Fishing is excellent. The crappie fishing is absolutely tremendous reservoir wide right now. Anglers are filling limits, and commonly with many fish over 14”. Anglers are finding independent crappie suspended over channels in 20 FOW and picking them off with jigs. The most successful anglers are utilizing live imaging sonar. You can still catch limits of crappie on treetops up the river arms in 20 FOW with minnows and jigs, all without having to use live imaging.
Walleye: Anglers are starting to target walleye. These anglers are trolling spoons in 20-40’ targeting suspended fish. The run up the Obey should be heating up soon. A reminder to stay up to date with special regulations regarding the walleye run on the Obey River.
17 Feb 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions- The lake elevation sits at 642’. Dale Hollow Dam is consistently drawing 1,200 CFS daily. Water clarity averages 12-15’ main lake, and 3-5’ in the back of creeks or upriver arms. Water temperature lake wide is 47 degrees. Where you can find runoff in creeks, you can find temperatures up to 51 degrees. Fish are in full winter patterns, most suspended in creek channels Fishing will pick up with the upcoming fronts bringing rain. Use caution up the Wolf & Obey River arms for floating debris.
Bass– Fishing is good. The best method to catch fish is still using front-facing sonar targeting suspended fish in 20-25 FOW. These fish are becoming harder to get bites from, but a Damiki rigged straight-tail fluke still works best. Largemouth can be caught over grass with jerk baits or swimbaits on the humps mid lake in 10-15 FOW. Live bait fisherman are catching smallmouth on the sides of secondary gravel points in creeks. They’re letting shiners sit on the bottom in 20 FOW.
Crappie– Fishing is excellent. Lots of crappie and big crappie are being caught all over Dale Hollow right now. On the lower end, anglers are finding suspended fish with front-facing sonar and catching them on jigs. Up the Wolf & Obey River arms, anglers are catching 20+ fish a day and many keepers over 12”. These anglers are using front-facing sonar to target suspended fish as well. If you want numbers, limits are being caught fishing minnows on treetops 20’ down.
Trout-Fishing is good. Anglers can target trout fishing main lake from Mitchell Creek and downstream. Troll spoons, minnows, or crankbaits 20-40’ down in channels. You could also catch trout in the creeks on live bait in the same depth range.
Sunfish– Fishing is good. Big bluegill over 9” are being caught over grass beds mid lake in 15-20’. Use slip bobbers with jigs or hair jigs. Sunfish can also be caught in marina slips if fishing is allowed.
10 Feb 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions- The lake elevation sits at 640’. Dale Hollow Dam is consistently drawing 1,200 CFS daily. Water clarity averages 12-15’ main lake, and 3-5’ in the back of creeks or upriver arms. Water temperature lake wide is 47 degrees. Where you can find runoff in creeks, you can find temperatures up to 51 degrees. Fish are in full winter patterns, most suspended in creek channels. Use caution up the Wolf & Obey River arms for floating debris.
Bass- Fishing is good. Fishing has picked back up recently with the recent fronts moving through. The best method to catch fish is still using front-facing sonar targeting suspended fish in 20-25 FOW. These fish are becoming harder to get bites from, but a Damiki rigged straight-tail fluke still works best. Largemouth can be caught over grass with jerk baits or swimbaits on the humps mid lake in 10-15 FOW. Live bait fisherman are catching smallmouth on the sides of secondary gravel points in creeks. They’re letting shiners sit on the bottom in 20 FOW.
Crappie- Fishing is excellent. Lots of crappie and big crappie are being caught all over Dale Hollow right now. On the lower end, anglers are finding several black crappie over 13”. They’re finding suspended fish with front-facing sonar and catching them on jigs. Up the Wolf & Obey River arms, anglers are catching 20+ fish a day and many keepers over 12”. These anglers are using front-facing sonar to target suspended fish as well. If you want numbers, limits are being caught fishing minnows on treetops 20’ down.
Trout-Fishing is good. Anglers can target trout fishing main lake from Mitchell Creek and downstream. Troll spoons, minnows, or crankbaits 20-40’ down in channels. You could also catch trout in the creeks on live bait in the same depth range.
Sunfish– Fishing is good. Big bluegill over 9” are being caught over grass beds mid lake in 15-20’. Use slip bobbers with jigs or hair jigs. Sunfish can also be caught in marina slips if fishing is allowed.
03 Feb 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions- The lake elevation sits at 640’. Dale Hollow Dam is consistently drawing 1,200 CFS daily. Water clarity averages 12-15’ main lake, and 3-5’ in the back of creeks or upriver arms. Water temperature lake wide is 47 degrees. Where you can find runoff in creeks, you can find temperatures up to 51 degrees. Fish are in full winter patterns, most suspended in creek channels. Use caution up the Wolf & Obey River arms for floating debris.
Bass- Fishing is good. Fishing has picked back up recently with the recent fronts moving through. The best method to catch fish is still using front-facing sonar targeting suspended fish in 20-25 FOW. These fish are becoming harder to get bites from, but a Damiki rigged straight-tail fluke still works best. Largemouth can be caught over grass with jerk baits or swimbaits on the humps mid lake in 10-15 FOW. Live bait fisherman are catching smallmouth on the sides of secondary gravel points in creeks. They’re letting shiners sit on the bottom in 20 FOW.
Crappie- Fishing is excellent. Lots of crappie and big crappie are being caught all over Dale Hollow right now. On the lower end, anglers are finding several black crappie over 13”. They’re finding suspended fish with front-facing sonar and catching them on jigs. Up the Wolf & Obey River arms, anglers are catching 20+ fish a day and many keepers over 12”. These anglers are using front-facing sonar to target suspended fish as well. If you want numbers, limits are being caught fishing minnows on treetops 20’ down.
Trout-Fishing is good. Anglers can target trout fishing main lake from Mitchell Creek and downstream. Troll spoons, minnows, or crankbaits 20-40’ down in channels. You could also catch trout in the creeks on live bait in the same depth range.
Sunfish– Fishing is good. Big bluegill over 9” are being caught over grass beds mid lake in 15-20’. Use slip bobbers with jigs or hair jigs. Sunfish can also be caught in marina slips if fishing is allowed.
27 Jan 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions: The water temperature on the lower end of the reservoir averages around 48 degrees. You can find 51-degree water up the river arms, or wherever runoff is entering. Water clarity on the lower end is 10-15, while the creeks and river arms are more turbid at 5-2’ visibility. The water level will is currently at 640’, and the dam is pulling around 900 cfs. Watch for floating debris on the Wolf and Obey River arms.
Bass: Fishing is good. Smallmouths are being caught by live bait fisherman near the bottom in 20 FOW. Fish are being caught in the creeks around secondary points. The Largemouth bites has slowed down, but they’re still susceptible to front-facing sonar and Damiki rigs. They can still be found suspended around baitfish in creeks 20-40’.
Crappie: Fishing is good. The upper end of the reservoir is the most productive right now. Anglers are harvesting, on average, 3-5 keepers on 20+ fish days. Fishing minnows and jigs on treetops is getting bites in the 20’ range.
Trout: Fishing is good. Big trout are continuing to be caught on the lower end of the reservoir. Trout can be caught by trolling or live bait fishing. Target creek channels between 20-60 FOW. Watch for trout in the jumps, or around flocks of birds on the main lake.
12 Jan 2023
Forecast Contributor – Will Schibig, Region III Creel Clerk.
Reservoir Conditions- Reservoir elevation remains at winter pool, 637’. Water temperature throughout the reservoir fluctuates between 48-51 degrees. Water clarity mid-lake down is 10-15’ visibility, while the backs of creeks is 3-5’. Baitfish can be found from mid-creek towards the mouths, and main lake no shallower than 20 FOW. Fish are in full winter pattern.
Bass- Fishing is good. The bite is more quality than quantity for all black bass species, averaging 3-5 lbs per fish. Largemouth are successfully being caught by anglers with live scope targeting suspended fish over bait in 30-40’. These anglers are vertically jigging swimbaits and straight-tail flukes. Smallmouths are being caught on steep banks and in creek channels from 15-30 FOW with jigs and umbrella rigs. Live bait fisherman has had the best results drifting shiners around channel banks on the main lake.
Crappie- Fishing is good. Crappie are being caught on the upper end of the reservoir on deep structure in creek channels. Anglers using minnows on treetops are catching several keepers. Target structure in the 15-25 FOW range in mid-creek.
Trout– Fishing is decent. The most productive areas are from Mitchell creek downstream to the dam. Brown trout are being caught suspending live bait in the 30-40’ range. Trolling crankbaits and spoons through major creek channels could produce some bites.
Catfish– Fishing is good. Quality channel cats have been caught this week on jugs in the creeks on the upper end. Using livers, cut bait, or live bait around creek channels would be most successful.
18 Feb 2022
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is great. The water temperature is 52 degrees, and the lake is slowly rising.
Smallmouth Bass: Lots of smallmouth are being caught on Ned rigs, jigs, and spoons while fishing points and flats near shad in 20-40 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: Lots of largemouth are being caught in the clear water under shad on spoons in 40-60 feet of water. Also, lots of bass are being caught in the rivers in the colored water on crankbaits in 5-10 feet of water.
Crappie: A few crappie are being caught on minnows around grass and sunken brush in 15-20 feet of water.
Walleye: A few walleye are being caught under shad in the creeks in 50 feet of water.
11 Feb 2022
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is good. The water is low and there is not much current.
Bass: A few bass are being caught in the afternoon on spinnerbaits and crankbaits around channel banks.
Sauger/Walleye: A few walleye and sauger are being caught in the main river channel in deeper holes from Granville to Gainesboro.
Crappie: A few crappie are being caught on jigs and minnows around sunken brush in 10 feet of water.
17 Dec 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is great. The water temperature is 52 degrees, and the lake is slowly rising.
Smallmouth Bass: Lots of smallmouth are being caught on Ned rigs, jigs, and spoons while fishing points and flats near shad in 20-40 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: Lots of largemouth are being caught in the clear water under shad on spoons in 40-60 feet of water. Also, lots of bass are being caught in the rivers in the colored water on crankbaits in 5-10 feet of water.
Crappie: A few crappie are being caught on minnows around grass and sunken brush in 15-20 feet of water.
Walleye: A few walleye are being caught under shad in the creeks in 50 feet of water.
10 Dec 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is good. The water temperature is 55 degrees, and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: Lots of smallmouth are being caught on jigs and float n flies while fishing deeper banks in 20-30 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: Several largemouth are being caught while fishing under schooling shad in the creeks in 25 feet of water on spoons.
Crappie: A few crappie are being caught on minnows around grass and sunken brush in 20 feet of water.
03 Dec 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is good. The water temperature is 56 degrees, and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: Lots of smallmouth are being caught on jigs while fishing flats in 15-25 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: Several largemouth are being caught on jigs while fishing grass and fallen trees in 5-15 feet of water.
Crappie: A few crappie are being caught in the revers on minnow around fallen trees in 15 feet of water.
26 Nov 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is good. The water temperature is 64 degrees, and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: Several smallmouth are being caught on swimbaits on points and flats in15-35 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: Several largemouth are being caught on A-rigs and football jigs while fishing secondary points in 5-20 feet of water.
Crappie: A few crappie are being caught while fishing minnows and jigs around sunken brush in 20 feet of water.
Mid Nov 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is fair. The water temperature is 61 degrees, and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: Several smallmouth are being caught on live bait sand jigs in 15-30 feet of water on points.
Largemouth Bass: Several largemouth are being caught on jigs and crankbaits while fishing shallow cover in 5-15 feet of water.
Crappie: A few crappie are being caught on minnows around fallen trees in 15 feet of water.
22 Oct 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Region III Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is slow. The water temperature is 70 degrees, and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: A few smallmouth are being caught on topwater baits while fishing points on the main lake.
Largemouth Bass: A few largemouth are being caught while fishing grass and wood with jigs and soft plastics in 5-10 feet of water.
Crappie: Crappie fishing is good while using minnows around fallen trees and sunken brush in 15-20 feet of water.
Walleye: A few walleye are still being caught while trolling at night with nightcrawlers on flats in 30 feet of water.
17 Sept 2021
Dale Hollow
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is good. The water temperature is 80 degrees, and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: A few smallmouth are being caught on drop shots while fishing grass in 30 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: A few largemouth are being caught while fishing shallow grass and wood with topwater baits and square bill crankbaits in 5-10 feet of water.
Walleye: Lots of walleye are being caught while trolling at night and jigging spoons on breaks in 30 feet of water.
Crappie: A few crappie are being caught in the rivers while fishing minnows around fallen trees in 20 feet of water.
03 Sept 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is fair. The water temperature is 81 degrees, and the lake is fairly stable.
Smallmouth Bass: A few smallmouth are being caught at night on jigs on points in 20 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: A few largemouth are being caught on soft plastics while fishing grass and wood in 20 feet of water. Also, a few bass are being caught in the daytime in the rivers around shallow wood on square bill crankbaits.
Walleye: Lots of walleye are being caught while trolling and jigging spoons on drops in 30 feet of water.
Crappie: A few crappie are being caught around grass while chasing minnows in 22 feet of water.
27 Aug 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is fair. The water temperature is 85 degrees, and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: A few smallmouth are being caught at night on jigs in 20-25 feet of water on points. Also, a few smallmouth are being caught in the daytime while drop shotting on points in 25-35 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: A few largemouth are being caught while fishing soft plastics in grass and brush in 15-30 feet of water at night. Also, a few largemouth are being caught in the daytime on square bill crankbaits while fishing shallow wood in the rivers.
Walleye: Several walleye are being caught while trolling nightcrawlers on flats in 30 feet of water.
Crappie: A few crappie are being caught while schooling under minnows in 20 feet of water in the creeks.
20 Aug 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is slow. The water temperature is 83 degrees and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: A few scattered smallmouth are being caught on jigs on river channel points in 20 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: Several largemouth are still being caught on breaks and sunken brush in 20 feet of water on soft plastics.
Walleye: Lots of walleye are being caught while trolling at night on flats in 30 feet of water.
13 Aug 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is fair. The water temperature is 85 degrees and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: Several smallmouth are still being caught at night on jigs on channel banks and points in 20 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: Several largemouth are being caught at night on soft plastics and grass in sunken brush piles in 15-20 feet of water on the main lake.
Walleye: Lots of walleye are being caught while trolling and jigging spoons on flats and breaks in 28-33 feet of water.
06 Aug 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is good. The water temperature is 86 degrees and the lake is falling. Smallmouth Bass: A few smallmouth are being caught at night on jigs on points in 20 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: Several largemouth are being caught on soft plastics while fishing grass and sunken brush in 15-25 feet of water. Walleye: Several walleye are being caught while trolling nightcrawlers on flats in 28-32 feet of water.
30 July 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is great. The water temperature is 85 degrees and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: Several smallmouth are being caught at night on jigs in 20 feet of water on points.
Largemouth Bass: Lots of largemouth are being caught on soft plastics and sunken brush and drops in 15-20 feet of water.
Walleye: Lots of walleye are being caught while trolling in the day and night with nightcrawlers on flats in 28 feet of water.
23 July 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is good. The water temperature is 84 degrees and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: Several smallmouth are being caught at night on jigs and spinnerbaits while fishing points in 15-20 feet water. Also, several are being caught early in the morning on topwater baits while fish are chasing shad.
Largemouth Bass: Several largemouth are being caught on soft plastics on grass and sunken brush in 15 feet of water.
Walleye: Several walleye are being caught while tolling nightcrawlers at night on flats in 26-28 feet of water.
09 July 2021
02 July 2021
25 June 2021
Dale Hollow
Forecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Creel Clerk
Reservoir Conditions: Fishing is good. The water temperature is 82 degrees and the lake is falling.
Smallmouth Bass: Several smallmouth are being caught at night on jigs on secondary points in 10-18 feet of water.
Largemouth Bass: Several largemouth are being caught while fishing grass with soft plastics in 15-18 feet of water.
Walleye: Several walleye are being caught while trolling nightcrawlers on flats in 24 feet of water.
Trout: Several trout are being caught near the dam while trolling with spoons in 40 feet of water.
18 June 2021
Dale HollowForecast Contributor – Danny Stone – TWRA Creel ClerkReservoir Conditions: Fishing is good. The water temperature is 81 degrees and the lake is fairly stable.
Smallmouth Bass: Lots of smallmouth are being caught early in the morning on topwater baits while fish are chasing shad.
Largemouth Bass: Lots of largemouth are being caught early in the morning and late in the afternoon while fishing topwater baits around grass and shallow wood.
Walleye: Lots of walleye are being caught while trolling at night on flats in 24 feet of water.
Crappie: Several crappie are being caught at night under lights while fishing with minnows on channel banks.