Troutfishers Guide Service


Looks like six more weeks of Winter

Well the groundhog saw his shadow, so it looks like six more weeks of winter for us in East Tennessee. That’s not a bad thing because our winter has been very mild so far and the tailwater fishing is great. We finished 2011 with a surplus of precipitation and are already above average for this year. The South Holston, Watauga, Nolichucky and Holston Proper as well as the mountain streams have plenty of water. We have been guiding plenty of floats on both tailwaters, the fishing has been great. Check out the “Fishing Blog” on the website for all the details.

Our Winter Trip Special is still in effect until March 9th, 2012. This is a 6 hour float with a lite lunch for one or two persons for $250. Give me a call or email to schedule your trip today.

Link to my website

Here is a list of the fishing shows and club presentations I will be at for the month of February:
Atlanta Fly Fishing Club
Atlanta, Georgia at Manuel’s Tavern February 8th, 2012. Looking forward to speaking about what East Tennessee has to offer.
The Fly Fishing ShowRaleigh, North Carolina. February 11th and 12th, 2012. I will be dividing my time between the Chota and Temple Fork Outfitters booths. Be sure to stop by.
Cumberland Transit Fly ShopNashville Tennessee, February 25th, 2012. Hope to see you there.
Cell: (423) 360-1468




Happy New Year!!


It was a great 2011 and we at Troutfishers Guide Service are looking forward to 2012.
We are again offering a 2 person Full Day Float Trip discount for the 2012 season. If you purchase three (3) two person float trips before March 9th, 2012, you will receive a 20% discount off of the total price of $1125. This represents a $225 savings on the combined trip fees, making the total price $900. This discount applies to trips taken only with me, Randy Ratliff.
The Winter Float Specials are still in effect until March 9th, 2012. A 6 hour one or two person float with a light lunch for $250, check out my fishing blog on the website for a video on the latest trip.

Get Randy’s info here

Here are some dates of fishing shows where we are exhibitors and seminar presenters. We are also giving presentations at several fishing clubs.
Mark your calendars and I hope to see you there.


Great Southern Fishing Show
January 21st and 22nd 2012
North Atlanta Trade Center
1700 Jeurgens Court
Norcross, Georgia


Atlanta Fly Fishing Club
February 8th, 2012
Manuel’s Tavern
602 N. Highland Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia


The Fly Fishing Show
February 11th and 12th, 2012
NC State Fairgrounds
1025 Blue Ridge Road
Raleigh, North Carolina


Northern Kentucky Fly Fishers
March 1st, 2012
Briarwood Banquet Center
2134 Petersburg Road
Hebron, Kentucky


Carolina Fly Fishing Club
March 14th, 2012
REI Store Community Room
9755 North Centre Parkway
Charlotte, North Carolina


Now is the time to get your Watauga Tailwater Caddis Trip on the calendar. We are already booking dates, so be sure to call and get yours scheduled. Don’t forget the new online booking system where you can use credit cards.


Here’s to a year of tight lines and heavy nets. Lets get out there and go fishing.